Research Thesis 2020 - Terry Agapitos (z5162173)
$ docker-compose up --build
Then navigate to http://localhost:80
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local.yml up --build
to boot up the database.
$ cd server
$ pipenv shell
$ cd api
$ flask run
Change URL in api.js
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ npm run dev # development
Get dump.pgdata
and put it in the server/database
directory. Also, get
and put it in the root directory.
Then from the root directory, run:
$ docker-compose up --build
# Then, in another terminal shell, run the following command.
# this command will populate the database.
$ docker exec cse-curriculum-analysis_db_1 sh -c "pg_restore -C -d postgres dump.pgdata"
This only needs to be done once