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Study Group 2021.03.19

Jeremy Wright edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 6 revisions

Reading Notes

Configuring VS Code toolbox

I tried the ligatures and conceal with Alex's Configuration features. I felt the source was lying to me (a related opinion. It reminded me of confluenza's editor that transformed wiki text in real-time. It makes the cursor behave weird and I don't think its something I personally could get used to. Similarly, I don't like editors who render markdown in real-time either.

Overriding the Int in VsCode TLC

TLC has a limited understand of TLA+ syntax. Thus to use the TLC checker outside the toolbox you need to use extend the spec to provide extra definitions for TLC.


Alex's CRDT

Original CRDT ≜ Conflict Free Replicated Datatype

Interesting link while researching CRDTs:


Follow-up (Homework)