Please look at the FINAL_README file for details. If you want more details on specifics, you can look at the previous READMEs here.
This is the final 4 handin. The contents of the previous readmes for are included below. For this week, we are continuing to add more game elements. We added more functionality for the honey (slowing ants down by 80 percent when they walk on them), added water projectiles that kill ants in one shot, a spider web tower, which after 2 seconds a spider "projectile" comes out and removes the ant and spider. You can see information for these in various subpackages in the game package, especially in, and We also set up most of the "squad dynamics." You can look into for most of the AI of the ants. You can also look at for the Ant's system as well as more code for starting new waves.
This is the final 3 handin. The contents of the previous final handins are included below. For this week, we began adding more game elements, e.g. functioning towers and an interface for adding them in. We also fixed an issue with some lag caused by particles not being properly removed when we were done with them.
Most of these changes can be found in and Also there were changes to their respective systems in
This is the final 2 handin. The contents of the final 1 handin's README are included below. Notable new features are particles (seen in the game world), AI movement/behavior (again, in game world), and improved security for high scores. We started work on towers as well, but didn't get to completely finish work on squad tactics (though Jeff did a lot of the work he planned on doing for next week as well).
Most of the changes in scores are still in engine.scores. Particles can be found in The new game objects can mostly be found in (and it's sub-packages).
This is the final 1 handin. Notable features are Perlin noise-based world generation, spline drawing (currently on the menu), and cheat-proof scorekeeping. Other features that were added include hexagonal world coordinates and animated tile sprites, among others.
Level generation can be found in the package (I used some open-licensed code for generating perlin noise, hope that's okay). Splines are in the engine.ui package, and scores are in the engine.scores package.