Files for a SNPs workflow with docker in Armadillo caps
Files came from
in directory Snakemake / docs / tutorial / workflow / data /
The Workflow is the equivalent of Snakemake Tutorial with few modifications
All applications except Load Files are running with docker.
To test it, you can use an ubuntu 16.04 in a virtual machine \
Open a terminal.
From your home directory, steps are :
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git unzip ant
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$ sudo reboot # logout/login is enougth
$ docker --version
You need a positive answer like
Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd Armadillo_SNPs_WF_test ; unzip
A GUI way to install and compile source is with netbeans.
$ sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Follow the steps dont forget to mention the path to jdk during the process
or add it later in the netbeans config file in ~/netbeans-8.1/etc/netbeans.conf
with :
Run netbeans (icon on desktop), go to File/Open project Go to ~/ and select armadillo2
Then go to Run/Clean&BuildProject
Wait until it's done
OR \
A CLI way is with ant
$ cd ~/armadillo2
$ ant clean jar
Open a terminal
$ cd ~/armadillo2 ; cp dist/Armadillo.jar Armadillo.jar ; java -jar Armadillo.jar
Armadillo will start.
Go to File/New project \
- Create a new name \
- Save it
Go to File/Import Workflow in project \ - Select your home directory (second icon on right of path) \
- Choose Armadillo_SNPs_WF_test/NGS_workflow_Sankemake_AB_Final_empty.txt \
- or Armadillo_SNPs_WF_test/NGS_workflow_Sankemake_ABC_Final_empty.txt
Save your workflow
On the left side of the workflow, loading boxes are waiting. Double clic on them and choose the right file according the name box.
Genome file is in inputs/genome.fa
A fastq is in inputs/samples/A.fastq
B fastq is in inputs/samples/B.fastq
C fastq is in inputs/samples/C.fastq
Save your workflow
You can run it on local or on Mammouth parallèle II.
It's not yet tested on other Calcul Québec Clusters.
You need a private / public key to use it this way:
More information here:
Then chose cluster on the top right.
In the Cluster box (top left of workflow design), add needed information.
Update them and then clic on "Test and Save" to presaved your connexion
$ mkdir SnakeMakeTuto
$ cd SnakeMakeTuto/
$ wget
$ bash
$ conda install -c bioconda snakemake
$ wget
$ tar -xf v3.11.0.tar.bz2 --strip 1
$ conda env create --name snakemake-tutorial --file environment.yaml
$ mv ~/Armadillo_SNPs_WF_test/SnakeSource ~/SnakeMakeTuto
$ mv ~/Armadillo_SNPs_WF_test/SnakeArmadillo ~/SnakeMakeTuto
$ source activate snakemake-tutorial
~ To get Amadillo equivalent
$ snakemake -s SnakeArmadillo
~ To get Tutorial WorkFlow
$ snakemake -s SnakeSource
~ To remove everything and restart
$ rm -rf calls/ mapped_reads/ sorted_reads/ .snakemake/ report.html
~ To exit from Sankemake environment
$ source deactivate