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GitHub Action edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Using the VSCode Dev Container

There is a dev container configuration provided for development. By default, it will use the existing container image available at However, you can have it build a new image by editing .devcontainer/devcontainer.json and replacing image with build. Ctrl+/ can be used to comment and uncomment blocks of code within VSCode.

The code from VSCode will be available at /workspaces/build-container-installer once the container has started.

Privileged is required for access to loop devices for lorax.

Use existing container image

  "name": "Existing Image",
- "build": {
-   "context": "..",
-   "dockerfile": "../Containerfile",
-  "args": {
-     "version": "39"
-   }
- },
+ "image": "",
  "overrideCommand": true,
  "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
  "privileged": true

Build a new container image

  "name": "New Image",
+ "build": {
+   "context": "..",
+   "dockerfile": "../Containerfile",
+   "args": {
+     "version": "39"
+   }
+ },
- "image": "",
  "overrideCommand": true,
  "shutdownAction": "stopContainer",
  "privileged": true