A custom visual developed for Microsoft PowerBI which filters PowerBI report by list and provides robust output(whether filtered keyword is present in database or not) accordingly.
- Install Node.js
- Open PowerShell(For Windows) and enter the following code line-by-line:
npm i -g powerbi-visuals-tools pbiviz --install-cert npm i d3@^5.0.0 --save npm i @types/d3@^5.0.0 --save npm i [email protected] --save npm i powerbi-visuals-api --save-dev
Filter Visual Working steps |
Show only the applied filter value of dataset |
Output an error message for invalid list of search items(if any) |
You can learn more about using these tools in the following guides
Note: You need to have a text editor/IDE environment for development, I recommend Visual Studio Code
- Implement Multi-input filter model (#2)
- Implement output textbox to check incorrect values