Add migrations and seeders to your DotKernel3 project.
Some new commands as been added to the php dot
- make:migration <name> [path]
- Make a migration file, which will be used to create new tables and rows in the database
- The path is used to pre-fill the namespace, and has to match a path in the config file.
- data/database/migrations is the default path if none are supplied
- make:seed <name> [path]
- Make a seeder, which will be used to seed the database with data.
- The path is optional and will default to data/database/seeds.
- When supplying your own path, it must match a path from the config file.
- migrate [--force|-f]
- Migrate the missing migrations, use the --force in your deployment script to avoid the production environment warning.
- migrate:reset [--force|-f] [--hard|-h]
- Rollback all migrations and reset the database.
- Supplying --force will prevent the environment warning in production.
- Supplying the --hard flag will drop and re-create the entire schema.
- migrate:rollback
- Rollback a single batch of migrations only.
- migrate:seed [path] [--force|-f]
- Run all seeders, or optionally provide a path to a specific seeder to run.
- If a path is provided, please escape it with double-quotes like "Data\Database\Seeder\UserTableSeeder"
- Supplying the --force flag will prevent the environment warning in production.
- migrate:god
- The God command is intended for development and will recreate the schema, re-migrate and re-seed the database.
To run any of them simply run php dot <command>
DotKernel will take care of the rest, putting the files in the
correct directories etc.
Settings can be found in the migrations.php.dist
Installing is extremely easy, all you have to do is run
composer require japseyz/dot-migrations
, and copy themigrations.php.dist
file to the/config
folder and remove the .dist ending. -
After that is done, you open up
and add\Dot\Migrations\ConfigProvider::class,
to the$aggregator
array. -
Create a folder inside
, and inside this, create two folders;migrations
, this is where your migrations and seeds will go. -
That's it, all you have to do now is run
composer dump-autoload
and enjoy access to migrations and seeders, all you have to do is runphp dot
If you've follow the installation, but no commands show up, try deleting /data/config-cache.php
and running php dot