This Application is the second Frond-end Assignment in Noroff, it was build by ReactJS using VSC som editor. It is a web application for sign language translator, where the user can insert a word or phrase and translate it into a sign.
It is an application where you can run it with VSC, after you gp to your root directory you run:
- npm start
In order to use the App you need: 1.Install Git 2.Install NodeJs 3.Heroku account
Follow these instructions below:
- Clone the repository to your computer.
- Run npm install in the root of the repository.
- Make sure you have the Heroku CLI Installed.
- Install react-router-domain
- Install bootstrap v5
- Install hooks
On your Heroku Dashboard, go to your API application, click the settings tab and look for reveal config vars, there you will find your Api key which should be used in the App code.
It is public Repository
It is finished and works good based on the requirements of the assignment.