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What is CatOutta? have you ever had an old computer you only had keyboard and monitor access to? fear not! catoutta is here to get your files off!
you can use catoutta to encode a file into a qr code, then you can use your phone/pc w/ webcam to scan the qr code(s) and get the file back!
Usage: qrc [OPTIONS] [TEXT]
-h, --help
Show this help message
-i, --invert
Invert color
-d, --delay
Delay between chunks in seconds
-e, --error-correction-level
Error correction level
-m, --max-size
Max size of chunk
-f, --file
File to read from
Hop on over to the releases tab and find an executable for your system. You should be able to run it in your terminal without issue
Make an issue and I'll add it! (if it's easy I'm a busy lad) I'd rather you do it as a pull request..
yeah I bet I made this in a pinch lol