Hello, I’m James Oluwaleye, a seasoned front-end engineer with a flair for technical writing. My passion lies in simplifying complex topics, especially in the realms of DevOps, machine learning, Python, Kubernetes, SRE, and more. Whether it’s coding or crafting compelling narratives, I thrive on bridging the gap between technology and communication.
🔭 I’m currently breaking down complex topics to clear and concise documentations on Twelve
🌱 Tools and Frameworks: React, Next.Js, Typescript, Redux, RestAPI, GraphQL, Appwrite (backend), Sanity (CMS), Tailwind CSS, (Acertenity, Material, Shadcn) UI and GIT
👨💻 All of my projects are available at github.com/ja10th
💬 Ask me about Anything Technology
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Check out my portfolio website James Portfolio
⚡ Fun fact I believe stress can decrease IQ as much as 13%