FreeTTS is a speech synthesis system written entirely in the Java programming language. It is based upon Flite, a small, fast, run-time speech synthesis engine, which in turn is based upon University of Edinburgh's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's FestVox project.
Detailed documentation on FreeTTS can be found at
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'freetts', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'cmulex', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'cmudict04', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'cmutimelex', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'en_us', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'cmu_us_kal', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'
implementation group: 'org.jvoicexml', name: 'cmu_time_awb', version: '1.2.3-SNAPSHOT'