The first Function-as-a-Service trace-based simulator
This repository contains the experiment analysis scripts, trace generation scripts and source code of Soufiane Jounaid's BSc Computer Science thesis: OpenDC Serverless: OpenDC Serverless: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a FaaS Platform Simulator [1]
All the work denoted in this repository is part of a published paper [2]
[2] Fabian Mastenbroek, Georgios Andreadis, Soufiane Jounaid, Wenchen Lai, Jacob Burley, Jaro Bosch, Erwin van Eyk, Laurens Versluis, Vincent van Beek, and Alexandru Iosup, "OpenDC 2.0: Convenient Modeling and Simulation of Emerging Technologies in Cloud Datacenters," 2021 IEEE/ACM 21st International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Internet Computing (CCGrid), 2021, pp. 455-464, DOI: 10.1109/CCGrid51090.2021.00055.