Tool to unpack/repack Settlers 3 dat archives
./S3DatPacker option filename
options: -u Unpack dat archive -r Repack dat archive
When repacking, the result is saved as "test.dat".
It can only deal correctly with specific types of bitmaps right now, so when changing existing/adding new ones, they should adhere to the following scheme to prevent unintended results:
- Sprites, textures and menu textures are 16-bit RGB565, where black means transparent
- Color-indexed sprites are 24-bit, where pink (->RGB(255,0,255)) means transparent
- Shadows are 16-bit RGB565, where pink means shadow and black means transparent
tl;dr keep the bitmaps in the same format when you change them
Only archives from the GFX folder are supported for now
-v0.5 - original release