HaPi (Handedness Pipeline) is a pipeline used to determine the hand of cryoEM determined maps. Resolving 3D sturctures of macromolecules using Single Particle Analysis (SPA) is an ill-posed problem and so the determined structure can be the specular (mirrored) version of the true underlying structure. Macromolecules in nature have a specific handedness and it is important for atomic fitting of the structure that the resolved structure has the correct hand. At high resolution this is easily determined by looking at the map in a viewer like Chimera but it can be really difficult at resolutions of 4 to 5 Ångstroms. HaPi is a deep learning pipeline to automatically determine the hand of the electron density map automatically for structures below 5 Ångstroms of resolution.
J Garcia Condado, A. Muñoz-Barrutia, and C. O. S. Sorzano, “Automatic determination of the handedness of single-particle maps of macromolecules solved by CryoEM”, Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 214, no. 4, p. 107915, Dec. 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsb.2022.107915
- Setup enviroment with conda
Using the command line:
conda create -n hapi_env python=3.8.5
conda activate hapi_env
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install module locally
Using the command line:
python setup.py install
- Install Xmipp
The simulator and the experimental map processing require that Xmipp commands be available in the command line.
- Download Scipion.
- Make Xmipp commands available.
Using the command line:
source path/for/scipion/xmipp-bundle/build/xmipp.bashrc
The are four main directories in this project:
- /data: contains the required scripts and list of ids to download the data used for training and testing.
- /hapi: package that contains a set of objects and functions to simulate data, train and test models.
- /scripts: set of simple self-descriptive scripts using the hapi package to simulate data, train and test models.
- /models: final models trained to be used by users.
To download the data used a set of batch-download shell scripts and the PDB and EMD IDs are available in /data.
- Download PDBs:
Using the command line:
chmod +x batch_download_pdb.sh
./batch_download_pdb.sh -f {file_list_pdbs.txt} -o path/for/pdbs -p
gunzip path/for/pdbs/*.pdb.gz
- Download Experimental cryoEM maps
Using the command line:
chmod +x batch_download_emdb.sh
./batch_download_emdb.sh -f {file_list_pdbs.txt} -o path/for/emdmaps
In /data you can find the following lists of PDBs and cyroEM maps (script it relates to from /scripts):
): List of all cryoEM maps accesible through EMDB as of August 2021EMDB_PDB_boxes.txt
): List of cryoEM maps used to train alpha helix 3DCNNEMDB_PDB_test.txt
): List of cryoEM maps to test accuracy of alpha helix 3DCNNEMDB_hand_examples.txt
): List of cryoEM maps for visual testingPDB_boxes_list.txt
): List of PDBs used to simulate boxes for trainingPDB_volumes_list.txt
): List of PDBs used to simulate volumes
For training the models run (change direcotries in scripts and variables):
For running the pipeline see scripts/test_pipeline_experimental_data.py
Use directly in Scipion by installing the plugin scipion-em-xmipp
and using the protocol deep hand