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This repository contains various matlab functions, which might be useful for research in psychology, neurosciences etc.

Functions for EEGLAB:

  • addEEGEvents.m was originally written in order to select only stimulus-locked events in an EEG experiment followed by a correct response but it can catch any specified event following a target event. To check for correctness, the stimulus-locked event must be followed immediately by a trigger coding the correctness of the response to the stimulus (i.e. no other EEG events in between).

Functions for Psychtoolbox 3 (PTB-3):

  • getVoiceResponse.m was written to capture voice responses in a simple psychological experiment in order to measure the response latency for subsequent analysis of reaction time (RT) using a microphone. Note that the function works fine for within-subject designs in which the exact voice onset is not but the latency differences between conditions are of interest.
  • soundCheck.m performs a sound check to find the right threshold level for the function getVoiceResponse.m. The function produces a GUI like the following to find an appropriate trigger threshold. I recommend to save the .wav files because one can reanalyze the data then.


  • slideScale.m This function draws a slide scale on a PSYCHTOOLOX 3 screen and returns the position of the slider in spaced between -100 and 100 or 0 to 100 as well as the reaction time and if an answer was given. You can test the function by running the script test_slideScale.m.
  • SimpleMoviefMRI.m A simple function to present a video clip in an fMRI experiment. In the simplest case, you can just provide and path to a video and present it via Psychtoolbox.


Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the programs 'as is' without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Various MATLAB functions.







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