A WeChat-style chat robot, built by pyqt5
This project uses Google Gemini as chat model and design a WeChat-style GUI.
Python >3.9
pyqt5 == 5.15.2
To install google-generativeai,run:
pip install -q -U google-generativeai
For more details and Gemini API, visit here.
Besides, you also need to apply for a Gemini API_Key here
To open the GUI, run python script:
python MiniChat.py
Or you can download our released .exe file. Be careful to keep the src folder and .exe files in one folder
"用户名" or ''Admin" is customized and the "密码" or "password" is your API_KEY.
Remember to enable VPN and switch the region to a supported country otherwise the login screen will be stuck!!!
After you modified the python code and want to rebuild an .exe file, just run:
pyinstaller -w -i path_to_icon.ico MiniChat.py
- Adaptive window size
- Chat with multiple objects at the same time, now only one
- Support image input
- Adaptive window size
- Chat with multiple objects at the same time, now only one
- Support image input