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Bob Curtice edited this page Aug 6, 2018 · 8 revisions

Before the configuration and general installation procedure, please consider this overview to help plan your installation.

Halcyon configuration infrastructure

The service layer is primarily built from this github code source, although there are some storage dependencies that will be briefly covered here.

Standalone mode vs Grid mode is basically a question of if you need to use this for personal or development use (standalone), or in a larger more dedicated setup (grid mode). That said, the system does run slightly different in the two modes, so developers are encouraged to use grid mode when testing changes.



  • Asset: Storage of immutable assets (better explanation is very much welcome).
  • Inventory: A directory service for the assets in the user's inventory. Does not contain the assets themselves, just the folders and references to the actual assets that are stored on the Asset server.
  • Data storage: General server data, there exist a lot of different modules that use SQL as the default storage mechanism.

These default storage types are covered by a default mechanism: it's possible to change the data layer in Halcyon, it's just not done yet.

  • Whip (Asset): Specialized peice of software for this purpose
  • Cassandra (Inventory): Performant key/value noSQL storage. Optional since MySQL can do the job, but Cassandra is faster at it.
  • MySQL: SQL storage (currently only MySQL is supported) works as the go-to place for all non-performance related storage.


In case of using grids, there are 5 services mainly in use:

  • Halcyon: The simulator, this can (if set) rely on a UserServer and a GridServer called "Grid mode"
  • UserServer: Abstraction of all user authentication to a single user service.
  • GridServer: Coordinates the regions and is responsible for making sure each region can communicate.
  • MessagingServer: Handles group messaging, IMs, and all other message traffic that's outside the local region.
  • Aperture: asset http manager handles asset calls by the viewer. This only needs to be set up one time per region server.

Installation of components

Consider installing all storage related services inside a Virtual machine, this will allow us some abstraction in service, and therefore allows us to only install "on-demand" services on the local development environment. Windows with VirtualBox hosting Debian is working well for some of our developers. Others run straight on the hardware under Ubuntu. Containers work too, but will be easier later after a few changes are put in place.

(Optional) Install virtualization software

Using virtualization technology can make your life easier, but is not required.

Install: VirtualBox 5.0.22 for Windows hosts

(Optional) Install cassandra 3.7 on Debian

Cassandra is a very powerful tool if your grid is going to grow to having multiple millions of inventory items. If you are just testing or developing, you can have the MySQL server handle the inventory instead.

Install Debian 8.5 (Jessie)

Netinstall AMD64 found in

  • Memory: 4 Gb
  • Network: Host Adapter

Use the default disk settings (full disk) Install with no modules but “SSH tools” and “Utilities”


Cassandra default installation OS is Debian, use the following command to add the repo (in console or via ssh)

These commands are executed as root

Open sources list, add Cassandra 3.7, then save in


#Cassandra 3.7
deb 37x main
deb-src 37x main

#Java 8
deb jessie-backports main

Add keys

    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F758CE318D77295D
    gpg --export --armor F758CE318D77295D | apt-key add -

    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2B5C1B00
    gpg --export --armor 2B5C1B00 | apt-key add -

    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0353B12C
    gpg --export --armor 0353B12C | apt-key add -

Update packages and install Java & Cassandra

    aptitude update
    aptitude install openjdk-8-jdk
    aptitude install Cassandra

See more here

Install MySQL Database

    aptitude install mysql-server

Setup networking connectivity

When all components have been installed, we want to ensure connectivity between the two machines reliably.

On the Debian server, run the following command

    nano /etc/network/interfaces

Ensure that the configuration looks similar to this (based on desired IP)

#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Restart the network interface

/etc/init.d/networking restart

Inside the Virtual Machine, make sure the network card is connected to the host virtual adapter, so we can ping between the host and the virtual machine.

MySQL Configuration

Edit the MySQL configuration /etc/mysql/my.cnf to use the following.

bind-address            =

Restart the database

/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Create mysql user and setup proper permissions to access data

mysql -p
CREATE USER 'inworldz'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ‘OperationPassword’;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON inworldz TO 'inworldz'@'%';

Initialize the database on windows Given the default installation dir of halcyon was used on windows, adjust your root pass and run the following inside cmd.

C:\Dev\halcyon\bin\hc-database.exe --init --type core -h -u inworldz -p OperationPassword

Cassandra database status

Test if the database is running: /etc/init.d/cassandra status

try local connect


Cassandra does not provide any monitoring by itself, use netstat -c to keep an eye on the incoming connections

Whip setup

Run the following commands ( you may want to adjust the download link accordingly

aptitude install libboost-all-dev -y
mkdir /etc/whip
mkdir /etc/whip/assets
wget /etc/whip
tar -xvf /etc/whip/whip-v5.0.tar
useradd -M whip
chown whip:whip /etc/whip -R

Now add a init.d script that will help us start and stop whip automatically. create the file /etc/init.d/whip (using nano or vi) with the following

#! /bin/sh

cd /etc/whip

case "$1" in
    echo "Starting whip"
    su whip -c "/etc/whip/whip > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
    echo "Stopping whip"
    skill -u whip
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/whip {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0

Afterwards adjust permission and register the service accordingly

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/whip
update-rc.d whip defaults

Move over the whip configuration (and adjust it to your needs)

mv /etc/whip/whip.sample.cfg /etc/whip/whip.cfg
nano /etc/whip/whip.cfg