This is to test the deployment mechanism for the initial alpha release.
Linux Host (Tested On: Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop)
sudo -s
apt-get -y install git
git clone https://github.com/Invoke-IR/ACE.git
chmod +x ./ACE/ACE-Docker/start.sh
chmod +x ./ACE/ACE-Docker/settings.sh
# Edit ace.env (this provides adjustable settings for all docker images)
# Change the WEBSERVER-IP value from the Windows Machine
vi ./ACE/ACE-Docker/ace.env
Output of start.sh
"RabbitMQServer": ""
"RabbitMQUserName": "ace",
"RabbitMQPassword": "P@ssw0rd!",
"Thumbprint": "D4C96E1C624404146551A40C8CB01E7C07A16CDC",
"ApiKey": "f7fd48a9-a424-47c4-8bda-6a8332f7e1cd",
"SQLServer": ""
"SQLPassword": "P@ssw0rd!"
| Thank you for provisioning ACE with Docker!! |
| Please use the following information to interact with ACE |
$settings = @{
Uri = ''
ApiKey = 'f7fd48a9-a424-47c4-8bda-6a8332f7e1cd'
Thumbprint = 'D4C96E1C624404146551A40C8CB01E7C07A16CDC'
Windows Host (Tested On: Windows 10 - PowerShell)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/Invoke-IR/ACE/releases/download/test/Configure-AceWebService.ps1 -OutFile C:\Windows\Temp\Configure-AceWebService.ps1
. C:\Windows\Temp\Configure-AceWebService
Configure-AceWebService -FilePath C:\Windows\Temp\
# Answer the prompts with the information provided via start.sh on the Ubuntu Machine
# Execute the WebService
.\dotnet\dotnet.exe .\ACEWebService.dll
# Use the $settings hash table in PowerShell to interact with the web service via ACE-Management module