SwaggerClient - the Ruby gem for the CryptoWeather
The CryptoWeather API allows for access to all of the cryptocurrency data and market forecast services provided. There are two primary categories of routes, public
and private
, where public
routes are accessible to the general public and do not require API authentication, and private
routes, which require API authentication. ## General Overview 1. All API methods adhere to RESTful best practices as closely as possible. As such, all API calls will be made via the standard HTTP protocol using the GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request types. 2. Every request returns the status as a JSON response with the following: - success, true if it was successful - code, the http status code (also in the response header) - 200 if response is successful - 400 if bad request - 401 if authorization JWT is wrong or limit exceeded - 404 wrong route - 500 for any internal errors - status, the status of the request, default success - errors, an array of any relevant error details 3. For any requests that are not successful an error message is specified and returned as an array for the errors key in the JSON response. 4. All authentication uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which is set as the Authorization entry in the header, see the following for more details. - http://jwt.io - https://scotch.io/tutorials/the-anatomy-of-a-json-web-token ## Code Example The following is a code example in Python, which demonstrates using the Python Requests library for both the public
and private
API routes. import requests HOST = \"https://api.cryptoweather.ai/v1\" # Your API key (JWT) API_KEY = \"<YOUR API KEY>\" # Example public request, no API key required. requests.get(\"{}/public/symbols\".format(HOST)).json() # Get the current btc price using the public route requests.get(\"{}/public/price-current/{}\".format(HOST, \"btc\")).json() # Example private request, API key required. Get the btc hourly forecasts headers = {\"Authorization\": \"Bearer {}\".format(API_KEY)} requests.get(\"{}/private/forecast/{}/{}\".format(HOST, \"btc\", \"1h\"), headers=headers).json()
This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build swagger_client.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./swagger_client-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./swagger_client-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'swagger_client', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'swagger_client', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'swagger_client'
# Setup authorization
SwaggerClient.configure do |config|
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
api_instance = SwaggerClient::PrivateApi.new
symbol = 'btc' # String | The cryptocurrency symbol.
interval = '1h' # String | The forecast interval, 1h or 1d.
period = '7d' # String | The period for computing the accuracy, such as the past 7 days.
opts = {
cookie: 'csrf=b1820141-1bad-4a9c-93c0-52022817ce89', # String | e.g. csrf=b1820141-1bad-4a9c-93c0-52022817ce89
x_csrf: 'b1820141-1bad-4a9c-93c0-52022817ce89' # String | e.g. b1820141-1bad-4a9c-93c0-52022817ce89
result = api_instance.v1_private_accuracy_symbol_interval_period_get(symbol, interval, period, opts)
p result
rescue SwaggerClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling PrivateApi->v1_private_accuracy_symbol_interval_period_get: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to https://api.cryptoweather.ai
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_accuracy_symbol_interval_period_get | GET /v1/private/accuracy/{symbol}/{interval}/{period} | Accuracy |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_forecast_accuracy_symbol_interval_period_get | GET /v1/private/forecast-accuracy/{symbol}/{interval}/{period} | Forecast Accuracy |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_forecast_symbol_interval_get | GET /v1/private/forecast/{symbol}/{interval} | Forecast |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_forecast_time_symbol_interval_period_get | GET /v1/private/forecast-time/{symbol}/{interval}/{period} | Forecast Time |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_trend_symbol_get | GET /v1/private/trend/{symbol} | Trend |
SwaggerClient::PrivateApi | v1_private_trend_tabular_get | GET /v1/private/trend-tabular | Trend Tabular |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_price_change_symbol_get | GET /v1/public/price-change/{symbol} | Price Change |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_price_current_symbol_get | GET /v1/public/price-current/{symbol} | Price Current |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_price_history_symbol_period_interval_get | GET /v1/public/price-history/{symbol}/{period}/{interval} | Price History |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_summary_get | GET /v1/public/summary | Summary |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_symbols_get | GET /v1/public/symbols | Symbols |
SwaggerClient::PublicApi | v1_public_trend_symbol_get | GET /v1/public/trend/{symbol} | Trend |
- SwaggerClient::AccuracyRoute
- SwaggerClient::DefaultResponse
- SwaggerClient::ForecastAccuracyRoute
- SwaggerClient::ForecastRoute
- SwaggerClient::ForecastTimeRoute
- SwaggerClient::PriceChangeRoute
- SwaggerClient::PriceCurrentRoute
- SwaggerClient::PriceHistoryRoute
- SwaggerClient::PrivateAccuracyResponse
- SwaggerClient::PrivateAccuracyResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastAccuracyResponse
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastAccuracyResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastResponse
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastResponseDataForecast
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastTimeResponse
- SwaggerClient::PrivateForecastTimeResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PrivateTrendTabularResponse
- SwaggerClient::PrivateTrendTabularResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PrivateTrendTabularResponseDataTrendTabular
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceChangeResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceChangeResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceChangeResponseDataPriceChange
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceCurrentResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceCurrentResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceCurrentResponseDataCurrent
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceHistoryResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceHistoryResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceHistoryResponseDataHistory
- SwaggerClient::PublicPriceHistoryResponseDataPriceHistory
- SwaggerClient::PublicSummaryResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicSummaryResponseColor
- SwaggerClient::PublicSummaryResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicSymbolsResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicSymbolsResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicSymbolsResponseDataSymbols
- SwaggerClient::PublicTrendResponse
- SwaggerClient::PublicTrendResponseData
- SwaggerClient::PublicTrendResponseDataTrend
- SwaggerClient::SummaryRoute
- SwaggerClient::SymbolsRoute
- SwaggerClient::TrendRoute
- SwaggerClient::TrendTabluarRoute
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A