This is a discord bot made using the library. Created by Arun and Pablo.
Sirius rises late in the dark, liquid sky
On summer nights, star of stars,
Orion's Dog they call it, brightest
Of all, but an evil portent, bringing heat
And fevers to suffering humanity.
Creates your rank card, showing your current rank and progress to the next rank.
Creates the bot's help embed, listing the bot's commands.
Creates an embed. Arguments: title=[],description=[],[name of field]= or just write and it'll be put in the description by deafult
Creates the server's rules embed. Admin only feature.
Creates the server's roles embed. Admin only feature.
Creates the server's stats embed. Admin only feature.
Locates the instance of Sirius III. Dev only feature.
Ends the instance of Sirius III. Dev only feature.
If you pull from another branch, it can only be in the process of creating another branch.
If you merge into another branch, the merge must be reviewed by all the developers.
Branches must be well, explicitly named.
Branches must only include commits which are relevant to their name.
No forks: spoons only.
No working past 11pm.
Too many code book the broth.
The Nuclear Key system: all developers agree to the content of each release.
Only release content is ran on Sirius III.
Never remove features because you broke them.
Q: What constitutes a review? A: When over 50% of developers review your code.
Q: What is good? A: What over 50% of developers deem to be good.
Q: What is bad? A: Anything not Lotus Biscoff.
Q: Who can disobey these instructions? A: Not you nor the next person. Not even if you own this repository. Not even if you've been given permission, the illusion of permission, or any other form form of compromise. And no, metaphysical arguments won't surpass the latter restriction. In short, nobody, under any circumstance.
The annals of dog. No naming people.
It is wrought in the eternal will of the creator that someday the Two Branches of Sirius should finally merge properly. The day of reckoning is feared amongst all competent programmers, and otherwise dismissed by those who do not understand its gravity...
The combined forces of the opposing branches unified into one ungodly, unmergeable branch.
One of the developers stayed up and considered doing the Great Mergening by himself because he can't spend his time doing the right things. Instead he reinvented part of the bot. What an idiot.
The Trojan Canine was the wooden dog used by the apes, during the UEACS War, to enter the server of UEACS and win the war. There is no Trojan Canine in the Iliad, with the poem ending before the war is concluded. But in the Aeneid, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the apes at the behest of Orion constructed a huge wooden dog and hid a select force of men inside, including Orion himself. The apes pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the dog into their server as a victory trophy. That night the ape force crept out of the dog and opened the gates for the rest of the ape army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The apes entered and destroyed the server of UEACS, ending the war.
Here comes Pablo insurrecting again.
Consider the polls of the world, how they work
They toil not, neither do they spin
And yet I say unto you, that even Pablo in all his glory
Was not arrayed like one of these
Wherefore if Arun so maketh the polls of the bot
Which today break and tomorrow are cast in the release
Shall he not, much more, break you?
Therefore, take no thought saying:
For what shall we vote? Or what shall we poll over? Or, wherewithal shall we be cooked?
For your doggedly father knows you have need of all these things
But seek ye first, the kingdom of Arun and his cookedness
And all these things shall be added unto you
Oh ye of cook'ed brain
Thanks to Jack for fixing Arun's Raspberry Pi. That was cool.