Mostly bug fixes and UI updates based on TestFlight and GitHub feedback (thank you!!!)
- Added a line-only graph for battery and heart rate, and put toggles in the Settings tab to let users select which graph style they prefer
- Graph displayed on Status page at open is now whatever the last viewed graph was
- Added some more information to the DFU page. Now the page gives you a big green box that tells you the update was successful, and also returns the page to its default state on completion.
- Added a cutesy little onboarding screen and added a little bit of buffer to allow the Bluetooth permissions to resolve before starting the first scan ever. This should help with some of the first connection issues that were reported.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to send non-ASCII characters to the PineTime for notifications, song titles, and artist names. If you notice an artist name or track title that is not displaying, it's because InfiniTime does not support a character in the song's title.
- Added some error handling to the function that writes the date and time to the watch. I'm not sure how it happened, but a user experienced a crash because this function failed somehow. Now it should show an alert that this function failed and ask you to disconnect/reconnect to the PineTime.