A team comprising of 6 members from diverse parts of India.
- Get the code
git clone https://github.com/IndiaCFG3/team-28.git
cd team-28
- Install the required modules
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Create tables and make migrations for django models
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Replace the
with your Twilio credentials as mentioned on the Twilio Dashboard -
In a new terminal, run the Flask Development server
python whatsapp_receive.py
- Now, setup the ngrok server to listen to incoming Whatsapp and SMS messages.(in a new terminal)
./ngrok http 5000
- Paste the ngrok server url in the twilio whatsapp sandbox, and you are good to go.
- Start the Django application (development mode) [default port 8000]
python manage.py runserver
- Access the web app in browser:
- Single Platform to consolidate the student’s progress, learning material, content, feedback, etc.
- Send Learning modules in bulk with a single click, and get responses/answers from the students.
- Aggregate the scores in the dashboard, and be able to grade it on the go.
- Analyze the progress of the class and recommend the next course material to be taken, and take feedback from the users.
- Syed Farhan Ahmad
- Soumya Vemuri
- Aiesha Fathima
- Archit Kuhar
- Saurabh Kemekar
- Akshaj Sunil
- Malvika Jindal
- License to be added, if required by JPMC