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Merge pull request #109 from scholzhannah/QuaternionAlgebra2
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Quaternion algebra2
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kbuzzard authored Jul 6, 2024
2 parents 9d03193 + 72b3377 commit f7fc80f
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 34 deletions.
80 changes: 46 additions & 34 deletions FLT/AutomorphicForm/QuaternionAlgebra.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Kevin Buzzard. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Buzzard
Authors: Kevin Buzzard, Ludwig Monnerjahn, Hannah Scholz
import Mathlib.Geometry.Manifold.Instances.UnitsOfNormedAlgebra
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.GeneralLinearGroup.Basic
import Mathlib.NumberTheory.NumberField.Basic
import Mathlib.RingTheory.DedekindDomain.FiniteAdeleRing
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Subgroup.Pointwise
import FLT.HIMExperiments.module_topology

Expand All @@ -20,27 +21,20 @@ variable (F : Type*) [Field F] [NumberField F]

variable (D : Type*) [Ring D] [Algebra F D] [FiniteDimensional F D]

#check DedekindDomain.FiniteAdeleRing

open DedekindDomain

open scoped NumberField

#check FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F

-- my work (two PRs)
instance : TopologicalSpace (FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F) := sorry
instance : TopologicalRing (FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F) := sorry

open scoped TensorProduct

#check D ⊗[F] (FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F)

section missing_instances

variable {R D A : Type*} [CommRing R] [Ring D] [CommRing A] [Algebra R D] [Algebra R A]

instance : Algebra A (D ⊗[R] A) :=
Algebra.TensorProduct.includeRight.toRingHom.toAlgebra' (by
simp only [AlgHom.toRingHom_eq_coe, RingHom.coe_coe, Algebra.TensorProduct.includeRight_apply]
Expand All @@ -54,10 +48,7 @@ instance : Algebra A (D ⊗[R] A) :=
rw [left_distrib, hx, hy, right_distrib]

instance [Module.Finite R D] : Module.Finite A (D ⊗[R] A) := sorry

instance [Module.Free R D] : Module.Free A (D ⊗[R] A) := sorry

-- #synth Ring (D ⊗[F] FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,34 +156,55 @@ instance addCommGroup : AddCommGroup (AutomorphicForm F D M) where
add_left_neg := by intros; ext; simp
add_comm := by intros; ext; simp [add_comm]

-- this should be a SMul instance first, and then a simp lemma SMul_eval, and then one_smul etc are easy
instance : MulAction (Dfx F D) (AutomorphicForm F D M) where
smul g φ := {
toFun := fun x => φ (x*g),
open ConjAct
open scoped Pointwise

lemma conjAct_mem {G: Type*} [Group G] (U: Subgroup G) (g: G) (x : G):
x ∈ toConjAct g • U ↔ ∃ u ∈ U, g * u * g⁻¹ = x := by rfl

lemma toConjAct_open {G : Type*} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [TopologicalGroup G]
(U : Subgroup G) (hU : IsOpen (U : Set G)) (g : G) : IsOpen (toConjAct g • U : Set G) := by
have this1 := continuous_mul_left g⁻¹
have this2 := continuous_mul_right g
rw [continuous_def] at this1 this2
specialize this2 U hU
specialize this1 _ this2
convert this1 using 1
ext x
convert conjAct_mem _ _ _ using 1
simp only [Set.mem_preimage, SetLike.mem_coe]
refine ⟨?_, ?_⟩ <;> intro h
· use g⁻¹ * x * g -- duh
simp [h]
· rcases h with ⟨u, hu, rfl⟩
exact hu

instance : SMul (Dfx F D) (AutomorphicForm F D M) where
smul g φ := { -- (g • f) (x) := f(xg) -- x(gf)=(xg)f
toFun := fun x => φ (x * g)
left_invt := by
intros d x
simp only [← φ.left_invt d x]
rw [mul_assoc]
simp only [← φ.left_invt d x, mul_assoc]
exact φ.left_invt d (x * g)
loc_cst := by
rcases φ.loc_cst with ⟨U, openU, hU⟩
use U -- not mathematically correct
use toConjAct g • U
· exact openU
· apply toConjAct_open _ openU
· intros x u umem
simp only
} -- (g • f) (x) := f(xg) -- x(gf)=(xg)f
one_smul := by
intros φ
ext df
-- missing simp lemma
change φ (df * 1) = φ df
mul_smul := by
intros g h φ
-- if M is an R-module (e.g. if M = R!), then Automorphic forms are also an R-module
-- with the action being 0on the coefficients.

example(a b c :ℝ ): a * b * c = (a * b) * c := rfl
rw[conjAct_mem] at umem
obtain ⟨ugu, hugu, eq⟩ := umem
rw[←eq, ←mul_assoc, ←mul_assoc, inv_mul_cancel_right, hU (x*g) ugu hugu]

lemma sMul_eval (g : Dfx F D) (f : AutomorphicForm F D M) (x : (D ⊗[F] FiniteAdeleRing (𝓞 F) F)ˣ) :
(g • f) x = f (x * g) := rfl

instance : MulAction (Dfx F D) (AutomorphicForm F D M) where
smul := (. • .)
one_smul := by intros; ext; simp only [sMul_eval, mul_one]
mul_smul := by intros; ext; simp only [sMul_eval, mul_assoc]

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