It's a list of credible free resources for tech learning that I have discovered, used, and find worth sharing with the community.
- The Odin Project - Project Based learning
- freeCodeCamp -blogs - You'll find blogs that'll explain technical concepts in layman's terms.
- Dave Gray - Teaches Web-dev with the best industry-followed practices.
- Kunal Kushwaha - Good for DSA, Dev-Ops, and Open Source.
- Harkirat Singh - Few cringe thumbnails but great for web/web3 and Open Source Development.
- Web Dev Simplified - Web Development sub-topics in concise and short videos.
- freeCodeCamp - Overwhelming content at first but teaches about almost every tech field.
If you have personally used and found resources worth sharing with others feel free to contribute to this repository. Please read Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct before proceeding.