Releases: IQSS/dataverse-docker
Croissant exporter for Dataverse 6.2
Croissant package ready to be installed on Dataverse starting from version 6.2
Experimental Dataverse 5.3 with SKOSMOS protocol for external controlled vocabularies
This Dataverse v.5.3 release uses SKOSMOS as default protocol and supports ontologies provided by SKOSMOS and CESSDA Controlled Vocabulary Service. The functionality was developed by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW) and funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project.
Warning: it has experimental status as this functionality isn't merged to the master branch and intended for the testing purposes! Please find more information in the Pull Request IQSS/dataverse#7712.
If this is a new installation, please see Dataverse Installation Guide
Upgrade Instructions
These instructions assume that you've already successfully upgraded to Dataverse 5.0 following the instructions in the Dataverse 5.3 Release Notes.
Undeploy the previous version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin list-applications
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin undeploy dataverse<-version>
Stop payara and remove the generated directory, start:
service payara stop
remove the generated directory:
rm -rf <payara install path>/payara/domains/domain1/generated
service payara start
Deploy this version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-5.3-cv.war
Restart payara
Download configuration files and apply sql statements to update Dataverse database and change the order of the metadata fields linked to controlled vocabularies. It should be Vocabulary, Term, VocabularyURI:
psql dvndb -f cv-update.sql
Warning: dvndb is postgresql database, it can be different in your installation.
Upload new metadata schema available for the testing purposes:
curl http://localhost:8080/api/admin/datasetfield/load -H "Content-type: text/tab-separated-values" -X POST --upload-file ./cvocdemo.tsv
Download and update controlled vocabularies supported by Dataverse:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @cvoc-conf.json localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:CVMConf
How to test controlled vocabularies support
You have to edit your sub dataverse and enable cvocDemo Metadata schema in the settings. Then in dataset form you can find "Vocabulary" and "Term" fields linked to SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) framework called SKOSMOS By default Dataverse uses its protocol to connect to any SKOSMOS API and can do lookup for the suggested terms in the selected ontologies. The specification of the protocol available in SKOSMOS API
If you need to support another protocol, DANS-KNAW has developed a simple middleware service called Semantic Gateway The default list of available controlled vocabularies can be easily extended with other ontologies:
- Unesco
- Wikidata
- MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
- Thesaurus (INRAE, Paris)
- IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council)
- Agrovoc (controlled vocabulary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations)
- Fächersystematik (Fächersystematik Hochschulbildung in Deutschland)
Experimental Dataverse 5.2 with SKOSMOS protocol for external controlled vocabularies
This Dataverse v.5.2 release uses SKOSMOS as default protocol and supports ontologies provided by SKOSMOS and CESSDA Controlled Vocabulary Service. The functionality was developed by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW) and funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project.
Warning: it has experimental status as this functionality isn't merged to the master branch and intended for the testing purposes!
If this is a new installation, please see Dataverse Installation Guide
Upgrade Instructions
These instructions assume that you've already successfully upgraded to Dataverse 5.1 following the instructions in the Dataverse 5.2 Release Notes.
Undeploy the previous version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin list-applications
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin undeploy dataverse<-version>
Stop payara and remove the generated directory, start:
service payara stop
remove the generated directory:
rm -rf <payara install path>/payara/domains/domain1/generated
service payara start
Deploy this version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-5.2-cv.war
Restart payara
Download configuration files and apply sql statements to update Dataverse database and change the order of the metadata fields linked to controlled vocabularies. It should be Vocabulary, Term, VocabularyURI:
psql dvndb -f cv-update.sql
Warning: dvndb is postgresql database, it can be different in your installation.
Download and update controlled vocabularies supported by Dataverse:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @cv-keywords.json localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:CVMConf
How to test controlled vocabularies support
You'll get "keyword" and "topicClassification" fields linked to SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) framework called SKOSMOS By default Dataverse uses its protocol to connect to any SKOSMOS API and can do lookup for the suggested terms in the selected ontologies. The specification of the protocol available in SKOSMOS API
If you need to support another protocol, DANS-KNAW has developed a simple middleware service called Semantic Gateway The default list of available controlled vocabularies can be easily extended with other ontologies:
- Unesco
- Wikidata
- MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
- Thesaurus (INRAE, Paris)
- IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council)
- Agrovoc (controlled vocabulary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations)
- Fächersystematik (Fächersystematik Hochschulbildung in Deutschland)
Dataverse 5.1.1 with external controlled vocabularies
This Dataverse v.5.1.1 release works with Semantic Gateway that supports ontologies provided by NDE, SKOSMOS and SPARQL endpoints. This functionality was developed by Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS-KNAW) and funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project.
If this is a new installation, please see Dataverse Installation Guide
Upgrade Instructions
These instructions assume that you've already successfully upgraded to Dataverse 5.1 following the instructions in the Dataverse 5.1 Release Notes.
Undeploy the previous version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin list-applications
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin undeploy dataverse<-version>
Stop payara and remove the generated directory, start:
service payara stop
remove the generated directory:
rm -rf <payara install path>/payara/domains/domain1/generated
service payara start
Deploy this version.
<payara install path>/bin/asadmin deploy dataverse-5.1.1.war
Restart payara
Download configuration files and apply sql statements to update Dataverse database and change the order of the metadata fields linked to controlled vocabularies. It should be Vocabulary, Term, VocabularyURI:
psql dvndb -f cv-update.sql
Warning: dvndb is postgresql database, it can be different in your installation.
Download and update controlled vocabularies supported by Dataverse:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @cv-keywords.json localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:CVMConf
How to test controlled vocabularies support
You'll get "keyword" and "topicClassification" fields linked to the middleware service called Semantic Gateway The default list of available controlled vocabularies can be easily extended:
- Unesco
- Wikidata
- MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
- Thesaurus (INRAE, Paris)
- IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council)
- Agrovoc (controlled vocabulary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations)
- Fächersystematik (Fächersystematik Hochschulbildung in Deutschland)
Dataverse 5.0.1 CVM
Dataverse 5.0 release with external controlled vocabularies support implemented as plug-in.
Dataverse 4.9.3 with da-ra support
Dataverse war file with connection to da-ra service via bridge plugin that should be running in the separate Docker container.