The basic usage of applanga with your flutter project does not need any changes in your code base nor any complex setup. You are able to have all your most actual translations at build time. If you also want your most actual translations at runtime for e.g. already published apps follow the basic usage steps and then go on with Optional Over the Air Updates.
For the Applanga Command Line Interface (CLI) installation please refer to the official documentation:
There is no need to initialize your project via the Applanga CLI for flutter, applanga_flutter will handle that for you. You can customize your CLI config .applanga.json
at anytime. Follow the steps of Localization preparation to get started.
works smoothly with the flutter_localizations
package. Use the official internationalization guide to add flutter_localizations
and intl
to your dependencies. Enable the generator in your pubspec.yaml
and add the l10n.yaml
file and add your first .arb
file for your base language. E.g.:
file: lib/l10n/app_en.arb
Add the localizations delegate to your MaterialApp
const MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
home: MyApp(),
Add your API Token to the bottom of your pubspec.yaml
access_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You can get your API Token on the on the dashboard from your project settings. The token is needed for pulling and pushing new translations. Read more in the next section.
To be able to perform a push or pull command you will have to setup Applanga CLI first.
Execute flutter pub run applanga_flutter:pull
from your shell and the package will download all new strings from all languages and add them to the corresponding arb files.
Execute flutter pub run applanga_flutter:push
from your shell and the package will upload all newly added strings from the arb files to the applanga dashboard.
By default your base language .arb
file is the single source of truth. So an pull
will get and save all translations for all languages except the base language into corresponding arb files. A push
will update only strings from the base language which are not uploaded yet to the dashboard.
With this configuration a flutter pub run applanga_flutter:push --force
is recommended. All translations for the base language and its meta-data (important for icu strings) are uploaded and updated.
You can change that push
and pull
behavior in your .applanga.json
Over the air updates are optional and available for android and iOS.
iOS: Be aware to add the supported languages to the info.plist. Find more here.
- Download the Applanga Settings File for your app from the Applanga Project Overview by clicking the [Prepare Release] button and then clicking [Get Settings File].
- Add the Applanga Settings File to your Android modules resources res/raw directory
- Also Add the Applanga Settings File to your iOS modules main target. To do this open the iOS module in Xcode and drag the settings file into the project. Make sure to tick the target you want it applied to.
Generate the ApplangaLocalizationsClass
flutter pub run applanga_flutter:generate
Add the class to your MaterialApp and replace the old delegate & locales:
`import 'package:applanga_flutter/applanga_flutter.dart';`
const MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: ApplangaLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: ApplangaLocalizations.supportedLocales,
home: MyApp(),
You can get your translations as usual: AppLocalizations.of(context)!.helloWorld)
It's recommended to place the ApplangaWidget as a top-level widget to your WidgetTree. It will notify all sub widgets if over-the-air translations have changed asynchronously. It is also recommended for a better screenshot experience.
void main() async {
const ApplangaWidget(child: MyApp()),
By default applanga's OTA strings are pulled lazily at runtime. If the user changes the app language, applanga fetches all new translations for the selected language. This can result in an unexpected visual behavior for the user if there are significant new translation changes coming in with a short delay. If you have e.g. a custom language switcher it can be a good idea to fetch all common languages on app start before a user action to avoid a delay when fetching strings lazily.
Add your default languages to your pubspec.yaml
, e.g.:
update_languages: [en, en_US, es, es_CL]
If you use groups, you can define all default groups which should
be downloaded at app start. By default only main
will be fetched.
We are following the same pattern as for update_languages
update_groups: [main, chapter1, chapter2]
ApplangaFlutter is fetching all new translations once on app start for your default languages and default groups. You can also programmatically start a new update and define your languages or groups for it.
// with custom language & groups
ApplangaFlutter.update({languages: ['en_US'], groups: ['main', 'chapter2']);
// default update call using default languages and default groups
Applanga's Draft Mode can be be activated with a multi touch gesture which works out of the box on iOS builds but for Android you need to forward input events to the SDK which can be done in a custom MainActivity like so:
class MainActivity: FlutterActivity() {
override fun configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean {
com.applanga.applanga_flutter.ApplangaFlutterPlugin.dispatchTouchEvent(ev, this)
return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev)
Add the following permission inside the manifest tag in your AndroidManifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>
To trigger the Draft Mode dialog via code you can call ApplangaFlutter.showDraftModeDialog();
Once in draft mode you can show or hide the screenshot menu by swiping down with 2 fingers or via code like this ApplangaFlutter.setScreenShotMenuVisible(bool);
Applanga will detect every string and it's position inside the latest ApplangaScreenshotScope
or ApplangaScreenshotScopeMixin
In order to get good and clean screenshots make sure to wrap all your screens or widgets with either ApplangaScreenshotScope
widget or add ApplangaScreenshotScopeMixin
to your state as shown in the examples below and as shown in the example app from this repository.
Use ApplangaScreenshotScope
class MyDrawer extends StatelessWidget{
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ApplangaScreenshotScope(child: Drawer(
Or add ApplangaScreenshotScopeMixin
to your screen's state:
class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> with ApplangaScreenshotScopeMixin {
// ...
With this approach we get the translations and string positions for each string. With our reverse text matching we connect each translation to a corresponding string id on the dashboard.
For a even better screenshot experience use ApplangaWidget. With ApplangaWidget on top of your widget tree the SDK will take two screenshots: One with all the string keys instead of translations and one with translations. This improves the string position detection (no more reverse text matching) and enables you the option to debug your screens where a string is placed - even dynamically set strings.
We definitely recommend to use ApplangaWidget
and ApplangaScreenshotScope
(or ApplangaScreenshotScopeMixin
Running flutter integration tests you can capture screenshots as simple as:
await ApplangaFlutter.I.captureScreenshotWithTag("main");
Please read Screenshot Menu to improve string position collection for your screenshot. The example contains an integration test which showcases the usage of the automatic screenshot.
Enabling Applanga's show id mode will return translation keys instead of the actual translations. This is good for debugging string positions and it is used to improve the screenshot string detection on the screen.
await ApplangaFlutter.I.setShowIdModeEnabled(true);
// or
await ApplangaFlutter.I.setShowIdModeEnabled(false);
This is automatically enabled after doing a pull request. To do this manually use the following command:
flutter pub run applanga_flutter:update_settingsfiles
To disable the automatic behavior add this to your pubspec.yaml
access_token: xxxx
update_settingsfiles_on_pull: false
For over-the-air updates the applanga settings file is needed. It contains the most actual translations for all languages from the dashboard. It's good practice to have it updated before an app release. Applanga only fetches new translations. If the settings file is up-to-date the first (automatic) ApplangaFlutter.update will result in a very lightweight get request. If the settings file is an old one -> the fetch request will contain a lot more info.