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Results Visualization

punkcpp edited this page Sep 1, 2016 · 12 revisions
Results Visualization

plot_utils: sources files for generating plots (R with ggplot2 is required).

How to Plot

Each .R file is self-explained by its name for generating plots that we used in the paper.


  1. Change the location variable in .R file to the result data.

  2. Run the .R file (RStudio is recommended), and follow the prompts in the console.

  3. Sometimes, you need change the y axis scale accordingly to get better rendering plots.

    scale_y_continuous(limits=c(lower_limit, upper_limit))

Data for Figures and Tables

  1. Figure 3: Influence Spread

  2. Figure 4: Approximation Lower Bound

  3. Figure 5: Influence Spread w.r.t. unified discount c

  4. Table 3: Effect of the parameter search step in calculating the best unified discount c.

  5. Figure 6: Running time

  6. Table 4: Sensitivity to user purchase probability curves.