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punkcpp edited this page Sep 1, 2016 · 5 revisions

Running Environment (used in paper)

Machine Configuration

Apple Mac Pro (Late 2013) with Intel Xeon 3.70GHz CPU, 64GB main memory

Platform: Mono 64bit

The current framework is implemented in C# (data processing part is in Python, plotting part is in R with ggplot2), any platform with C# .NET or Mono (64bit) is capable of running and repeating the experiments.

Seed Probability Functions
Seed Probability Functions


In the paper, we used four real network data sets that are publicly available in [SNAP]( data/index.html). We processed the data sets and they can be found here.

Network n m Average Degree mH
wiki-Vote 7,115 103,689 14.6 0.25M
ca-AstroPh 18,772 396,220 21.1 1M
com-dblp 317,080 2,099,732 6.6 20M
com-LiveJournal 3,997,962 69,362,378 17.3 40M