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theghostwhoforks edited this page Apr 12, 2013 · 5 revisions

What is an event?

An event is an entity that contains -

  1. UUID - To uniquely identify an event.
  2. Title - Human readable identity for the event.
  3. URI - The URI where the contents reference by the event is located.
  4. Timestamp - The time at which the event was created.
  5. Contents - The data encapsulated by the event as a String.

Publishing an event

AtomFeed Server has an interface named EventService that exposes a method called notify that is used to publish events.

Events are meant to be published using the Event Service interface. Events can be published either by using the AtomFeed Server as a library as used by the OpenMRS Feed Publisher Module or by posting event data to a server via HTTP as demonstrated by the Notification Controller in the sample atomfeed-standalone application.

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