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Rebranding the application

Simone Martorelli edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 8 revisions

Changing the application name and bundle identifier

  1. To change application name open the project in Xcode, in Project Navigator select "Notification Agent" and for each target double click on the target name (ex. "IBM Notifier") (nr. 1 on picture above).
  2. Then change bundle identifier (nr. 2 on picture above) - see detailed description here

Changing name references in AppComponent.swift class

In order to work properly IBM Notifier use a class named AppComponent.swift where are stored references to the apps name and bundle ids in order to let the Core be able to reach these components. Replace all the app names and bundle ids in this class as for the first phase of the rebranding.

Changing default pop-up window bar title

  1. To change a default pop up bar title open file Localizable.strings located in Notification Agent -> Resources
  2. Change the value on line 11 to anything suitable to your needs (marked with red arrow on the screenshot above)
  3. Press CMD+s to save the changes

Changing application icons

There are two kinds of icons in this application. App icons - used as an application icons by macOS and icon on a banner notification, and default_icon used as an icon on a pop ups.
To change the App Icon, in Project Navigator select and right click folder Shared/Resources -> Assets.xcassets. Choose option Show in Finder as per screenshot below

Inside Finder you will see all the icons used by the app.

  1. To change app icon, replace all PNG files inside AppIcon.appiconset folder, with your custom icon files. The file names and resolution must be exactly same as the original files. For example file [email protected] must be named [email protected] and must have resolution 32x32 pixels.

  1. To change the default pop-up icon, in Project Navigator select and right click folder Notification Agent Popups -> Assets.xcassets, choose option Show in Finder and replace file [email protected] inside Common -> default_icon.imageset folder with your custom icon file. The file name must be the same as the original file, and for best result we recommend keeping the resolution at 1024x1024 pixels