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Configuration mode

Simone Martorelli edited this page Jul 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

IBM Notifier (Mac@IBM Notifications) provide also a "configuration mode" that lets you define some default values.


~/IBM\\ Notifier [--config] [-reset] [-default_popup_bar_title] [-default_popup_icon_path] [-default_popup_timeout] [-default_banner_timeout] [-default_main_button_label]

Available configuration arguments

  Value: "text"

  Default pop-up's bar title. By default is set to "IBM Notifier".

  Example: -default_popup_bar_title "Title"
  Value: "text"

  Path for the default pop-up's icon.

  Example: -default_popup_icon_path "~/Icon/Path.png"
  Value: integer

  Default pop-up's background timeout. By default is set to nil.

  Example: -default_popup_timeout 300
  Value: "text"

  Default main button label. By default is set to "Ok".

  Example: -default_main_button_label "Label"

Set new values

To set new values for these parameters you must use the special argument --config followed by the [ argument value ] pairs.

Usage: ~/IBM\\ Notifier --config -default_popup_bar_title "Test title" -default_popup_icon_path "~/Desktop/Icon.png" -default_popup_timeout 300 -default_main_button_label "Ok"

Reset original values

To reset one or more of these parameters to their original value you must use the argument -reset (in addition to --config) followed by the [ argument ] related to the parameters you desire to reset.

Usage: ~/IBM\\ Notifier --config -reset -default_popup_bar_title -default_popup_icon_path -default_popup_timeout -default_main_button_label