Python runtime for Hydrosphere Serving. Provides a GRPC API for Python scripts.
Supported versions are: python-3.7 python-3.8
make test
make python-${VERSION}
- build docker runtime with python:${VERSION}-alpine base imagemake clean
- clean repository from temp files
This runtime uses src/
script as an entry point.
You may create any arbitrary Python application within,
just keep in mind that the entry point of your script has to be located in
Example of a
import pandas as pd
from joblib import load
# Load an ML model during runtime initialisation
clf = load('/model/files/classification_model.joblib')
# This function is called on each request
# Input and output must comply with your model's signature
def predict(**kwargs):
# kwargs is a dict with Numpy arrays or scalars you've specified in a signature
x = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"request": kwargs}).T
predicted = clf.predict(x)
return {"income": int(predicted)}
or if you wish to work with proto messages:
return {"income": TensorProto(int_val=[int(predicted)],