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SLTS Control

This C++ package implements the exponentially stable robust following controller for Data-Driven and Robust Path-following Control of a Quadrotor Slung Load Transport System.

An airborne SLTS controlled by this code


Main controller library

The only dependency of the main controller library is the Eigen linear algebra library. You can install it with

sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev


The tests additionally depend on Googletest and rapidjson. You can install each of these libraries with

sudo apt-get install rapidjson-dev
sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev


At the root of this package, run

cmake -S . -B build --preset=ci-ubuntu # Or some entry from your CMakeUserPresets.json
cmake --build build --config Release
sudo cmake --install build

Tests are not built by default. Testing is covered in tests/

Brief Usage Notes

This section walks you through how to use this controller library in your C++ code.

  1. Find this package and link your executable to it in CMake. NOTE: Target name is slts_control::slts_controller

    find_package(slts_control REQUIRED)
    add_executable(my_controller path/to/my_controller.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(my_controller slts_control::slts_controller)
  2. Include the required headers

    #include "slts_control/definitions.h"
    #include "slts_control/robust_tracker.h"
  3. Construct the controller object

    control::SLTSController ctl;
  4. Construct the parameter structure and load it into the controller

    control::SLTSController::Params params;
    params.uav_mass = 1.0;
    params.pld_mass = 0.5;
    // Fill in other fields
    if (!ctl.loadParams(params)) {
      // Handle the error appropriately 
    • Optionally also load initial conditions

      control::SLTSController::InitialConditions ics;
      ics.uav_pos << 0.0, 0.0, 0.5;
      // Fill in other fields
      if (!ctl.setInitialConditions(ics)) {
          // Handle the error appropriately
  5. Run the following functions upon each sensor update

    • Update UAV position

      ctl.uav_pos() = gps_pos_reading;
    • Update UAV velocity

      ctl.uav_vel() = gps_vel_reading:
    • Update UAV acceleration (Earth frame!!!)

      ctl.uav_acc() = rotation_body_to_earth * imu_acc_reading;
    • Update vehicle actual thrust estimation.

      Good if you have instrumented motors and ESCs. If not, use the thrust magnitude, multiplied by the body-Z axis of the UAV

      ctl.thrust_act() = motor_thrust;
    • Update payload position relative to UAV. Run either:

      // This function uses numerical differentiation to compute payload velocity relative
      // to UAV
          dt,           // Time interval for numerical differentiation
          pld_rel_pos,  // Payload position relative to UAV
          control::NumDiffMode::Forward);  // Mode of numerical differentiation


      // This function sets payload relative position AND velocity, assuming payload
      // relative velocity is computed by some other means, e.g. optical flow or a
      // state estimator
      ctl.setPayloadRelativePositionAndVelocity(pld_rel_pos, pld_rel_vel);
  6. Set translational errors

        pld_pos_err,        // Payload positional error
        pld_pos_err_rates,  // Derivative of payload position error (can be zeroed
                            // for little performance penalty)
        pld_vel_err,        // Payload velocity error
        pld_vel_sp);        // Payload velocity setpoint
  7. Run the main function in a control loop

  8. Read the thrust setpoint and forward it to actuators in the actuator loop

    const Eigen::Vector3d thrust_setpoint = ctl.thrust_sp();
    motors.setThrust(thrust_setpoint); // Some magical actuator function

    Often it is necessary to convert the 3D thrust setpoint to a desired thrusting orientation and a scalar thrust value. Equation (11) in our paper tells you how to do that

Formula Reference

Refer to docs/formula_reference.pdf


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