LibGraph is Graph library for C++. It can be used to solve various graph problems.
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Include header in your code
#include "graph.h"
- And use...
- Graph
- Cycle Detection
- Single Source Shortest Path
- All Pair Shortest Path
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- Tree
- Topological sort
Graph can be initialized as follows
Graph<int, int> G;
where first int
is type of vertices and second int
is type of edge weight
Edges are added as follows
G.addEdge(1, 2, 3);
where edge 1->2
has weight 3
BFS of graph generates a mapping of vertices to their levels
map<int, int> bfsLevel = G.bfs(1);
where 1
is source of bfs tree
DFS of graph generates vector of vertices which are in sequence of their dfs visit
vector<int> dfsVisitSequence = G.dfs(1);
Again 1
here is source
Cycle can be detected as follows
cout<<"Graph has cycle\n";
cout<<"Graph does not have any cycle\n";
Shortest paths from a source generates mapping of vertices to shortest distance
map<int, int> shortestPaths = G.getShortestPathsFrom(1, false);
where first parameter is source and second parameter is whether graph has negative edges, false
by default.
All Pair Shortest Path generates two dimensional mapping of pair of vertices to their shortest paths
map<int, map<int, int> > allPairShortestPath = G.getAllPairShortestPath();
Minimum Spanning Tree returns Object of type Tree
, which is defined in tree.h
Tree<int, int> mst = G.minimumSpanningTree(1);
where 1
is the source
Tree is a class derived from Graph. It has same functionalities as Graph, but can't have any cycles
Tree is defined in tree.h
. Use it as follows
#include "tree.h"
NOTE: Graph is already included in tree. So you need not to include graph when you are including tree.
Tree is initialized as follows
Tree<int, int> T;
Same rules apply here, first int
is vertex type, while second is edge weight type
Adding edges to Tree is same as Graph, but adding edge here can generate exception (of type Exception) if adding the edge to tree makes it invalid
T.addEdge(1, 2, 3);
}catch(Exception e){
cout<<"Exception: "<<e.getMessage()<<endl;
Topological sort of the Tree vector of the vertices listed topologically
vector<int> tpSort = T.topologicalSort();
- Dhaval Khandla
- Hrishikesh Hiraskar
- Manish Kumar