The goal of this project is to make it easier to create new games with FNA-XNA. The FNA framework is really easy to use but with each new games or test projects, i needed to recreate a little framework.
I'm a programmer for over 25 years, i did a little of Unity and i fell in love with FNA-XNA. It's user easy to use, to customize and super quick to develop and try new things.
I used .Net 4.8 because i still have issues with .Net 6.0/7.0. It's the framework that i'm the most confortable with.
WARNING: This project is meant to learn XNA and create little games for yourself.
Some nice features are already working:
- GameHost / GameObject structure
- TextureRender: GameObject to draw texture on screen
- TextRenderer: GameObject to draw text on screen with different alignments
- SpriteRender: GameObject to draw sprite on screen
- SpriteAnimationRender: GameObject to animate sprites from png/json or from aseprite files
- SpriteAnimator: GameObject that encapsulate SpriteAnimationRender from enums
- Collider: Basic rectangle collision detection system
- RigidBody: Basic rigifbody to simulate physics in 2D (platform/side scrolling)
- TileSet: Full support to TileSet with an editor (Windows)
- Edit Mode: Edit/Save the content of your scene directly in game (F12)
- ContentManager: Custom ContentManager that hot reloads the modified texture at runtime
- IMouseEventHandler: Implement Mouse Down, Up and Click on GameObject
- Aseprite format integration for textures and sprite animations. (checkout Asperite, it's very nice for sprites and Pixel Arts: (it's free if you build it yourself).
- Input: Basic input system (that i took from Michael Hicks:
- A lot of addons to Vector2, Rectangle and GameMath.
Check my test games that i created with this engine:
- Pong:
- Platformer:
This projet uses:
- FNA-XNA-Wrapper (a nuget that i created to bundle FNA in a nuget package. Weirdly, nobody seems to use created one for that easy to use before or i just did not find it?!?)
- Velentr.Font.FNA: For drawing text
I just begun working with FNA-XNA, there's so must that can be added and upgraded.
My plan is to upgrade my Pong and Platformer games with different goodies and upgrade the engine at the same time.