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Hidendra edited this page Jul 13, 2012 · 2 revisions

Modes in LWC are few and far between and serve very specific purposes. Like protection flags, they have an easy to use command schema. Typing /cMODE or /lwc mode MODE will show you how to use a given mode if it exists.

All modes are given by default and can be disabled in either core.yml (modes section) or by removing the permission.


Permission: lwc.mode.persist

Persist allows you to use a single-use command such as /cprivate or /cinfo multiple times in a row, allowing you to very quickly protect a room of chests, doors or any other block.

Enabling it is as easy as using the command /cpersist -- this command will toggle it on and off. Once you turn it off you will be able to use the command you were using one more time before it stops working.

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(punching two blocks to remove their protections)

Drop transfer

Permission: lwc.mode.droptransfer

Drop transfer allows you to do just that: drop transfer items to your chest. It does not work across world boundaries and will only transfer to a chest in the current world. There is currently no limit to the range.

When you drop an item (or stack) from your inventory to the ground, it will be transferred to the chest. If the chest is full, you will be notified and the items that did not fit will be returned to you.

To enable it first you need to select a chest using /cdroptransfer select to mark it as your target.


Once you select it, drop transferring is ON until you either disable it with /cdroptransfer off or log out.

Logging out will clear your drop transfer target. Using /cdroptransfer off will temporarily disable it -- you can re-enable it with /cdroptransfer on without reselecting your chest.

Finally, you can view the current status of drop transfer with /cdroptransfer status

*Selected a chest and enabled*

No chest selected, disabled

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