Hey! This is my personal website. It's made with Astro, Tailwind, and this neat animation library called tailwindcss-motion plus the Catppuccin Tailwind theme. It's also got a blog system that works via a bunch of Markdown pages with layouts and a import.meta.glob
for the post list.
Finally, after like 3 iterations, this is the design I've settled on. It's inspired by the terminal (something I use every day) and the site is fully monospace because I like the vibe. I think the animation on the navbar is my favourite part, it just looks so... smooth.
As a nod to the retro internet, I've also included a bunch of 88x31 badges in the footer. I think they make the site a little more playful and also let me link to things I otherwise wouldn't be able to link to.
I've deployed the site to Cloudflare Pages so you can check it out here.