It is highly recommended to use conda to manage this project.
You will require two separate environments for the object detection and image colorization.
The object detection environment requirements can be installed using the .bachelor.txt file in the root of this repo:
conda env create -n bachelor -f .bachelor.txt
The image colorization environment can be installed, by running:
conda env create -f deoldify/environment.yml
Git submodule for tensorflow object detection models and DeOldify image colorizer.
Activate with:
git submodules update --init
To ensure the object detection and image colorization libraries work correctly, run:
# For object detection:
cd models/research/
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.
cp object_detection/packages/tf2/ .
python -m pip install -q .
cd ../../
# For image colorization
cd deoldify
python -m pip install -q .
cd ..
And then you should probably restart your shell (just to be safe).
Images have to be in RGB colorspace, otherwise the notebook will not execute correctly.
If you want to use the original grayscale images, use the
script to make sure all your images are in RGB.
input/grayscale - should contain all input images (jpg format)
input/colorized_stable - should contain all input images (jpg format) that have been colorized using the stable deoldify model
input/colorized_artistic - should contain all input images (jpg format) that have been colorized using the artistic deoldify model
results/ - will contain output images
Make sure to always start the jupyter notebook server inside this folder (Object Detection). Otherwise the paths could be wrong.
Create a folder called 'models' in this directory and download the following two pretrained weights into that folder:
The font size of the displayed categories on detected objects can be changed:
Change font size (last answer)
Settings required to reproduce statistics sheet that works with the code given in the jupyter notebook.
- Output Format: csv
- All responses
- Langauge: English
- Range: Use default
- Responses: Full answers
- Question export: Question Code
- Questions: Everything with (Accuracy of Detection)
- Question export: Full question text
- Questions: lastpage, G01Q35 - G01Q37