BasilTest is a C# program that integrates several of the Herbal3d communication libraries and acts as a simple SpaceServer to a Basil Viewer.
As a SpaceServer, BasilTest performs different functionality and stress tests on the viewer.
As of 20200426, the tests are
- CreateAndDeleteDisplayable
- CreateAndDeleteInstance
- CreateTenDisplayablesAndDeleteOne
- Create125InstancesDeleteOne
- UpdateInstancePosition
Refer to the project TODOs for more tests to be added.
Building will eventually be in a Docker container and nicely scripted so you don't have to do anything but press a button. See []
Building requires the inclusion of the Herbal3d utilities and transport libraries so it's a little tricky and will require some scripting and packaging.
Eventually operation will be spinning up a Docker container. There will eventually be an always running version of BasilTest for continuious testing and the plan is to even have a server-less version that doesn't take up too many resources. See []