- Get your TYPO3 API Token (if not already configured) at extensions.typo3.org
- Then navigate to "My access tokens" and create a TYPO3 "Access Token" (set expiration date to a value of your choice)
(keep in mind that you need to refresh the token after expiration by repeating this step or by using the TYPO3 Extension API) - Add the TYPO3 Access Token to your Github, call it "TYPO3_API_TOKEN" (at settings->Secrets and variables or use the URL https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORYNAME/settings/secrets/actions)
- Go to your project/git folder and execute the following (if .github/workflows/main.yml does not exist):
mkdir -p .github/workflows && curl -Lo .github/workflows/main.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hauer-Heinrich/hh_test/main/.github/workflows/main.yml
- Edit composer.json and ext_emconf.php and change the version number
- Stage, commit, publish and tag all at once by executing the following (change X.X.X to your version):
VERSION="X.X.X" && git add --all && git commit -m "New Version $VERSION" && git tag "$VERSION" && git push && git push --tags
- Check if the Github Action has been successfully executed, go to your Repository and click on the "Actions" Tab (or the URL similar to https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORYNAME/actions)
See docs for glob pattern: