hh_http2_push is a TYPO3 extension. Implements http2 server push - [descriptionLink](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/04/guide-http2-server-push/ http2-push description"). Needs a boolean cookie - if cookie=true sets the additional link (push) response header.
... like any other TYPO3 extension e. g. extensions.typo3.org
Add to your TypoScript for example this:
page {
includeCSS {
file10 = yourPath.css
file10.preloadPush = 1
- works for compressed files (extension configuration)
- works for concatenate files (extension configuration)
- works for "normal" files
- optimize code
In most cases it is not good to push all files. So try different versions - single files - concatenate and not concatenate and so on. That's an idiotic thing. In many cases, it is enough to "just" push the css.
Open browser dev-tools e. g. chrome, go to tab network and check Initiator field = 'Push / Other'. (on localhost without https etc. Initiator field = 'Other')
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