This is a Work in Progress for public visiblity into the rework of the Twitch Chat/Faucet Bot for NimiqLIVE.
Usage: Clone into repository & cd to directory. cargo run -- --nick yourusername --token youroauthcode --channel #yourchannel
Use to get your auth code - or follow dev docs:
The current reworked implementations.
- Connect to Twitch channel chat via TMI
- Read and send messages to channel
- Keep track of eligible users & if they are subscriber/not subscribed
- Clear list of eligible users
- Select a winner from list of eligible users
- Generate a random code and refresh the random code.
- Detect when a user types that code & perform some actions
Still need to do:
- Hook the Entry Code somewhere to make it visible on screen.
- User nomination of their Nimiq Wallet address. (How to store it too)
- Create a connection to the Nimiq blockchain
- Send a transaction to a users .wallet_address()