PicoBoy Essentials V3.8
The PicoBoy V2 is up for sale!
There is now a PicoBoy website! Check it out at PicoBoy.co
The PicoBoy V2 3D-printed parts are now available!
PBOS now supports multiple languages!
Hardware Updates:
- PicoBoy V2 is now up for sale! You can buy it prebuilt or as a kit!
- PicoBoy V2 3D-printed parts are available for download
Website Updates:
- PicoBoy.co is now up!
PicoBoy Communication Software Updates:
- The program can now only connect to Micropython devices
- Windows now shows the PicoBoy name in its device list
- Added stability and integrity protection in connection to the PicoBoy
- Improved efficiency in formatting the console
- New "Selective Updating" looks for console flags and updates necessary files
PBOS Updates:
- With the release of the PicoBoyV2 comes PBOS 3.0!
- Enhanced performance and efficiency, reducing resource usage by 30%
- Added new Data Upload Mode screen
- Added new "No Games" screen
- Fixed issue where the brightness would be incorrectly reported as negative
- New layout in the settings menu with a scroll bar
- PBOS now supports 4 more languages:
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- German
- New first time setup when formatted, it has sections for:
- Testing Hardware
- Configuring the OS
Game Updates:
- You can now press up in Tetris to drop a block
Manual Updates:
- Tetris manual changed to reflect updates
Documentation Updates:
- Updated User and Build guides to reflect the changes made in PicoBoy Communication Software
- Updated User and Build guides to document the first time setup
- Improved the visual appearance of all guides
- Added table of contents to the User Guide
You can find PBOS 3.0 here: https://github.com/HalloSpaceBoy5/PicoBoy-OS/releases/tag/PBOS-V3.0
You can find the website here: https://picoboy.co
You can find the PicoBoy V2 for sale here: https://www.tindie.com/products/hallospaceboy/picoboy-v2-the-ultimate-diy-console/