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Fix issue 929
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This PR fixes the issue OCamlPro#929 about model arrays.
Our implementation of `ArrayEx` is complete but we do not split on
literals `a = b` where `a` and `b` are any arrays of the problem. Doing
these splits during the search proof would be a bad idea because we do
not need them to be complete. In the example of the issue OCamlPro#929, we
obtain an equality of the form `(store a1 x y) = (store a2 x y)` and
we know that `(select a1 x) = (select a2 x)`. We never try to decide `a1
= a2`.

Notice that I update the set of arrays by tracking literals `Eq` of
origin `Subst`. We know that this design is fragile because it could
happen that substitutions are not sent to theories. The worst that can
happen is to produced wrong models for arrays in very tricky cases.
A better implementation consists in using our new global domains system to
track `selects` in `Adt_rel` and use the keys of this map instead of
`arrays`. I did not opt to this implementation to keep this PR simple
and atomic.
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 0d6300e commit c00799d
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Showing 4 changed files with 128 additions and 59 deletions.
69 changes: 60 additions & 9 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module A = Xliteral
module L = List

module X = Shostak.Combine
module SX = Shostak.SXH
module Ex = Explanation

module LR = Uf.LX
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ type t =
new_terms : E.Set.t;
size_splits : Numbers.Q.t;
cached_relevant_terms : (G.t * S.t TBS.t) H.t;
arrays : SX.t;
(* Set of all class representatives of arrays. *)

Expand All @@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ let empty uf =
new_terms = E.Set.empty;
size_splits =;
cached_relevant_terms = H.create 1024;
arrays = SX.empty
}, uf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,17 +419,40 @@ let new_equalities env eqs la class_of =
implied_consequences env eqs la

(* choisir une egalite sur laquelle on fait un case-split *)
let two = Numbers.Q.from_int 2

let case_split env _uf ~for_model:_ =
let two = Numbers.Q.from_int 3

let split_arrays ~for_model env =
if for_model then
match SX.choose env.arrays with
| exception Not_found -> None
| a1 ->
match SX.find_first (fun a -> not @@ X.equal a a1) env.arrays with
| exception Not_found -> None
| a2 ->
Some (LR.neg @@ LR.mk_eq a1 a2)

let (let*) = Option.bind

let split_indices env =
let* cs = LR.Set.choose_opt env.split in
Some (LR.neg cs)

let next_split ~for_model env =
match split_indices env with
| None -> split_arrays ~for_model env
| cs -> cs

let case_split env _uf ~for_model =
(Numbers.Q.mult two env.size_splits) (max_split ()) <= 0 ||
Numbers.Q.sign (max_split ()) < 0 then*)
let a = LR.neg (LRset.choose env.split) in
Debug.case_split a;
[LR.view a, true, Th_util.CS (Th_util.Th_arrays, two)]
with Not_found ->
match next_split ~for_model env with
| Some cs ->
Debug.case_split cs;
[LR.view cs, true, Th_util.CS (Th_util.Th_arrays, two)]
| None ->
Debug.case_split_none ();

Expand All @@ -442,12 +469,28 @@ let count_splits env la =
{env with size_splits = nb}

let is_array r =
match X.type_info r with
| Ty.Tfarray _ -> true
| _ -> false

let assume env uf la =
let are_eq = Uf.are_equal uf ~added_terms:true in
let are_neq = Uf.are_distinct uf in
let class_of = Uf.class_of uf in
let env = count_splits env la in

(* Update the set of representatives of arrays. *)
let env =
(fun env l ->
match l with
| Xliteral.Eq (r1, r2), _, _, Th_util.Subst when is_array r2 ->
{ env with arrays = SX.remove r1 env.arrays |> SX.add r2 }
| _ -> env
) env la

(* instantiation des axiomes des tableaux *)
Debug.assume la;
let env = new_terms env la in
Expand All @@ -462,7 +505,15 @@ let assume env uf la =
env, uf, { Sig_rel.assume = l; remove = [] }

let query _ _ _ = None
let add env uf _ _ = env, uf, []

let add env uf r _ =
match X.type_info r with
| Ty.Tfarray _ ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
let arrays = SX.add rr env.arrays in
{ env with arrays }, uf, []
| _ ->
env, uf, []

let new_terms env = env.new_terms
let instantiate ~do_syntactic_matching:_ _ env _ _ = env, []
Expand Down
114 changes: 66 additions & 48 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1134,35 +1134,57 @@ let terms env =

(* Helper functions used by the caches during the computation of the model. *)
module Cache = struct
let store_array_get arrays_cache (t : Expr.t) (i : Expr.t) (v : Expr.t) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt arrays_cache t with
| Some values ->
Hashtbl.replace values i v
| None ->
type t = {
arrays : (Expr.t, unit) Hashtbl.t;
(** Set of all the array for which we need to generate a model value.
Notice that this set also contains embedded arrays. *)

selects: (X.r, (Expr.t, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t) Hashtbl.t;
(** Contains all the accesses to arrays. *)

abstracts: (r, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t;
(** Contains all the abstract values generated. This cache is necessary
to ensure we don't generate twice an abstract value for a given symbol. *)

let mk () = {
arrays = Hashtbl.create 17;
selects = Hashtbl.create 17;
abstracts = Hashtbl.create 17;

let add_array cache env (t : Expr.t) =
Hashtbl.add cache.arrays t ();
let r, _ = find env t in
match Hashtbl.find cache.selects r with
| exception Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add cache.selects r (Hashtbl.create 17)
| _ -> ()

let update_select cache env (t : Expr.t) (i : Expr.t) (v : Expr.t) =
let r, _ = find env t in
match Hashtbl.find cache.selects r with
| exception Not_found ->
let values = Hashtbl.create 17 in
Hashtbl.add values i v;
Hashtbl.add arrays_cache t values
Hashtbl.add cache.selects r values
| values ->
Hashtbl.replace values i v

let get_abstract_for abstracts_cache env (t : Expr.t) =
let retrieve_selects cache env (t : Expr.t) =
let r, _ = find env t in
match Hashtbl.find_opt abstracts_cache r with
| Some abstract -> abstract
| None ->
Hashtbl.find cache.selects r

let get_abstract_for cache env (t : Expr.t) =
let r, _ = find env t in
match Hashtbl.find cache.abstracts r with
| exception Not_found ->
let abstract = Expr.mk_abstract (Expr.type_info t) in
Hashtbl.add abstracts_cache r abstract;
Hashtbl.add cache.abstracts r abstract;
| abstract -> abstract

type cache = {
array_selects: (Expr.t, (Expr.t, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t)
(** Stores all the get accesses to arrays. *)

abstracts: (r, Expr.t) Hashtbl.t;
(** Stores all the abstract values generated. This cache is necessary
to ensure we don't generate twice an abstract value for a given symbol. *)

let is_destructor = function
| Sy.Op (Destruct _) -> true
| _ -> false
Expand All @@ -1179,8 +1201,9 @@ let is_destructor = function
Alt-Ergo cannot produces a constant value for them. This function creates
a new abstract value in this case. *)
let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =
let store_array_select = Cache.store_array_get cache.array_selects
and get_abstract_for = Cache.get_abstract_for cache.abstracts
let add_array = Cache.add_array cache
and get_abstract_for = Cache.get_abstract_for cache
and update_select = Cache.update_select cache
in fun env t ((mdl, mrepr) as acc) ->
let { E.f; xs; ty; _ } = E.term_view t in
(* TODO: We have to filter out destructors here as we don't consider
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1208,23 +1231,18 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =
let ret_rep, mrepr = model_repr_of_term t env mrepr in
match f, arg_vals, ty with
| Sy.Name _, [], Ty.Tfarray _ ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt cache.array_selects t with
| Some _ -> acc
| None ->
(* We have to add an abstract array in case there is no
constraint on its values. *)
Hashtbl.add cache.array_selects t (Hashtbl.create 17);
add_array env t;

| Sy.Op Sy.Set, _, _ -> acc

| Sy.Op Sy.Get, [a; i], _ ->
store_array_select a i ret_rep;
(* We need to save the array [a] as it can be an embedded array
that is not declared by the user but should appear in some
values of the model. *)
add_array env a;
update_select env a i ret_rep;

| Sy.Name { hs = id; _ }, _, _ ->
let value =
Expand All @@ -1246,19 +1264,21 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =

let extract_concrete_model cache =
let compute_concrete_model_of_val = compute_concrete_model_of_val cache in
let get_abstract_for = Cache.get_abstract_for cache.abstracts
let compute_concrete_model_of_val = compute_concrete_model_of_val cache
and get_abstract_for = Cache.get_abstract_for cache
and retrieve_selects = Cache.retrieve_selects cache
in fun ~prop_model ~declared_ids env ->
let terms, suspicious = terms env in
let model, mrepr =
MED.fold (fun t _mk acc -> compute_concrete_model_of_val env t acc)
terms (ModelMap.empty ~suspicious declared_ids, ME.empty)
let model =
Hashtbl.fold (fun t vals mdl ->
Hashtbl.fold (fun t () mdl ->
(* We produce a fresh identifiant for abstract value in order to
prevent any capture. *)
let abstract = get_abstract_for env t in
let vals = retrieve_selects env t in
let ty = Expr.type_info t in
let arr_val =
Hashtbl.fold (fun i v arr_val ->
Expand All @@ -1272,31 +1292,29 @@ let extract_concrete_model cache =
| Sy.Name { hs; _ } -> hs, false
| _ ->
(* We only store array declarations as keys in the cache
[array_selects]. *)
[cache.selects]. *)
assert false
let mdl =
if is_user then
ModelMap.add (id, [], ty) [] arr_val mdl
(* Internal identifiers can occur here if we need to generate
a model term for an embedded array but this array isn't itself
declared by the user -- see the [embedded-array] test . *)
a model term for an embedded array but this array is not
itself declared by the user -- see the [embedded-array]
test. *)
(* We need to update the model [mdl] in order to substitute all the
occurrences of the array identifier [id] by an appropriate model
term. This cannot be performed while computing the model with
`compute_concrete_model_of_val` because we need to first iterate
[compute_concrete_model_of_val] because we need to first iterate
on all the union-find environment to collect array values. *)
ModelMap.subst id arr_val mdl
) cache.array_selects model
) cache.arrays model
{ Models.propositional = prop_model; model; term_values = mrepr }

let extract_concrete_model ~prop_model ~declared_ids =
let cache : cache = {
array_selects = Hashtbl.create 17;
abstracts = Hashtbl.create 17;
let cache = ()
in fun env -> extract_concrete_model cache ~prop_model ~declared_ids env
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/issues/555.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ unknown
(define-fun x () Int 0)
(define-fun y () Int 0)
(define-fun a1 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a4 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))
(define-fun a2 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a5 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))
(define-fun a2 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a4 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/models/array/array1.models.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ unknown
(define-fun x () Int 0)
(define-fun y () Int 0)
(define-fun a1 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a4 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))
(define-fun a2 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a5 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))
(define-fun a2 () (Array Int Int) (store (as @a4 (Array Int Int)) 0 0))

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