Chatbot framework that listens and sends messages to multiple live-streaming platforms simultaneously
Watch our demo video to learn more
Create a node project:
npm init
Post the following content in index.js
const { StreamBot } = require("multi-stream-chatbot")
const {TwitchStream} = require("multi-stream-chatbot/streams")
const TwitchAuth = require("multi-stream-chatbot/auth/twitch")
const {AbstractSimpleChatAction, MessageParser} = require("multi-stream-chatbot/actions")
// Create an action
class DiceRollAction extends AbstractSimpleChatAction {
matchesCommand(message, ctx) {
return new MessageParser().parseCommand(message) === "!dice"
async makeMessage(message, ctx) {
const num = this.rollDice()
return `You rolled a ${num}`
rollDice() {
const sides = 6
return Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1
const actions = [new DiceRollAction()]
// Configure twitch auth
const twitchAuth = new TwitchAuth({
oauthToken: process.env.TWITCH_BOT_KEY,
botUsername: process.env.TWITCH_BOT_USERNAME,
channel: process.env.TWITCH_CHANNEL
// Create a bot
const bot = new StreamBot({
streams: [new TwitchStream(twitchAuth)],
// Start the bot
Create environment variables for your Twitch stream authentication:
Run the program:
node index.js
- Youtube
- Twitch
- Dummy (Interval)
Handles one command. See DiceAction for more details.
var {
} = require("multi-stream-chatbot/actions")
Handles multiple commands that share state. See PollActions for more details.
var {
} = require("multi-stream-chatbot/actions")
npm test
npm pretty
See the Hacker Shack livestream chatbot repo to see usage examples.
Thanks for the support!
Zachary Nawrocki
: Love your videos. I've been working on a chat bot for my personal home assistant project, and these ideas have given me some inspiration. Thanks.