To setup and use this repo, please follow these steps:
For Development:
- npm install
- Have MySQL5.7 installed and started
- from your terminal in the root folder of the repo, run mysql -u root (or whatever credentials you use for mysql) < './database/schema.sql' (this will load the schema)
- npm run seed (will seed the MySQL db with sample data)
- npm run build (to start webpack bundling)
- npm run start-dev (starts the server)
For your Proxy Server:
- npm install
- Have MySQL5.7 installed and started
- from your terminal in the root folder of the repo, run mysql -u root (or whatever credentials you use for mysql) < './database/schema.sql' (this will load the schema)
- npm run seed (will seed the MySQL db with sample data)
- npm start (starts the server)
Please be sure to have the following in your index.html:
a) This div in your body: <div id="reviewsSection"></div>
b) This script in your html body: <script src="http://localhost:3007/bundle.js"></script>