Some code are directly modified from
- pandas
- python-dateutils
- pymunge
- Clone this repo to your home dir.
- In
addexport PATH="~/nci_tools:$PATH"
source ~/.bashrc
You can also modify python-analysis3
into your mostly used python environment.
usage: [-h] [-q QUEUE] [-n NCPUS] [-m MEM] [-t WALLTIME] [-f FILE]
Return what it would cost (in SUs) for a PBS job submitted on gadi with the same configuration. No checking is done to ensure requests are within queue limits.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
PBS queue
-n NCPUS, --ncpus NCPUS
Number of cpus
-m MEM, --mem MEM Requested memory
-t WALLTIME, --walltime WALLTIME
Job walltime (hours)
-f FILE, --file FILE target file path
e.g. qcost -q normal -n 4 -m 60GB -t 3:00:00
We also add -f
to anlyse job file ""
e.g.: qcost -f
Note that we assume the PBS_NCI_NCPUS_PER_NODE
to be 48. Therefore, the cost dominated by memory is not the same as the original one. For info:
$ uqstat
Job_Name queue state ncpus walltime su mem_pct cpu_pct qtime
961571.gadi-pbs STDIN copyq-exec R 1 01:26:18 3.0 100.000191 85.940518 00:10:00
Alias a long command for an interactive job qsub -I -qgpuvolta -P ${PROJECT} -lwalltime=${walltime},ncpus=$((ngpus * 12)),ngpus=${ngpus},mem=64GB,wd
qsubi -P ${PROJECT} -q ${queue} -t ${walltime} -n ${ngpus} -l ${all other arguments for -l flags}
e.g. Given the same flags as qsubi
, create a template in -d
create_job -d $PWD/ -q ${queue} -t ${walltime} -n ${ngpus} -l ${all other arguments for -l flags}
In $PWD/
#PBS -P {your project id}
#PBS -q gpuvolta
#PBS -l ncpus=12
#PBS -l mem=64GB
#PBS -l ngpus=1
#PBS -l storage=scratch/{the fold you want to mount}
#PBS -l walltime=00:40:00
#PBS -l jobfs=100GB
args=$(echo ${args}| envsubst)
args=${args//|/ }
Note: please use absolute path for -d
, e.g. $PWD/
e.g. Given a file say job_list.txt in current dir, qsub_all
reads each line and run each command in this file.
qsub_all -f $PWD/job_list.txt
This command can be used with the file created by create_job
command since we can pass environment $args from it
Example job_list.txt
qsub -v args='--name=effnet|--dataset_name=imagenet|-dataset_root=$PBS_JOBFS/imagenet'
qsub -v args='--name=effnet|--dataset_name=cifar10|-dataset_root=$PBS_JOBFS/cifar10'
qsub -v args='--name=effnet|--dataset_name=cifar100|-dataset_root=$PBS_JOBFS/cifar100'
Note: please use absolute path for -f