Code to reproduce the experiments reported in the paper "Word-Class Embeddings for Multiclass Text Classification" (publised on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2021 -- a preprint is available here). This repo also includes a script to extract the word-class embedding matrix from any dataset so that you can use it in your model.
Word-Class Embeddings (WCEs) are a form of supervised embeddings specially suited for multiclass text classification. WCEs are meant to be used as extensions (i.e., by concatenation) to pre-trained embeddings (e.g., GloVe or word2vec) embeddings in order to improve the performance of neural classifiers.
- Pytorch (1.1.0) and torchtext (0.3.0)
- Cuda 10
- Scikit-learn (0.21.1)
- NumPy (1.16.3)
- SciPy (1.2.1)
- Pandas (0.24.2)
- fastText (0.2.0)
- transformers
- simpletransformers
The script generates the WCE matrix from any dataset. The dataset must be in fastText format (i.e., one already-preprocessed document for each line with labels indicated by a prefix __label__<labelname>
). The WCE matrix is stored in disk in txt format (<word> <dim1> <dim2> ... <dimn>\n
); support for .bin files will be added soon.
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-m METHOD] [-f MINFREQ]
Learn Word-Class Embeddings from dataset in fastText format
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file name where to store the WCE matrix in .txt
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
Correlation method [dotn]
-f MINFREQ, --minfreq MINFREQ
Minimum number of occurrences of terms [5]
-d MAXDIM, --maxdim MAXDIM
Maximum number of dimensions (by default, WCEs have
one dimension per category) after which PCA is applied
-l LABEL, --label LABEL
Label prefix (default __label__)
required named arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file path
Although all datasets used in the experiments are publicly available, not all can be download automatically. In such cases, you will be warned with an error message explaining where and how to ask for permission. If otherwise, the dataset will be fetched and processed automatically.
Our experiments can be reproduced using:
- implements basic versions of three neural architectures (CNNs, LSTMs, and ATTN)
- is a wrapper of the official fasttext implementation that permits to invoke it with WCEs
- train and test of SVMs with different sets of features
Each file comes with a command line help that can be consulted by typing, e.g, python -h
usage: [-h] [--dataset str] [--batch-size int] [--batch-size-test int]
[--nepochs int] [--patience int] [--plotmode] [--hidden int]
[--channels int] [--lr float] [--weight_decay float]
[--droptype DROPTYPE] [--dropprob [0.0, 1.0]] [--seed int]
[--log-interval int] [--log-file str] [--pickle-dir str]
[--test-each int] [--checkpoint-dir str] [--net str]
[--pretrained glove|word2vec|fasttext] [--supervised]
[--supervised-method dotn|ppmi|ig|chi] [--learnable int]
[--val-epochs int] [--word2vec-path str] [--glove-path PATH]
[--fasttext-path FASTTEXT_PATH] [--max-label-space int]
[--max-epoch-length int] [--force] [--tunable] [--nozscore]
Neural text classification with Word-Class Embeddings
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset str dataset, one in {'wipo-sl-sc', 'jrcall', 'ohsumed',
'rcv1', '20newsgroups', 'wipo-sl-mg', 'reuters21578',
'wipo-ml-mg', 'wipo-ml-sc'}
--batch-size int input batch size (default: 100)
--batch-size-test int
batch size for testing (default: 250)
--nepochs int number of epochs (default: 200)
--patience int patience for early-stop (default: 10)
--plotmode in plot mode, executes a long run in order to generate
enough data to produce trend plots (test-each should
be >0. This mode is used to produce plots, and does
not perform a final evaluation on the test set other
than those performed after test-each epochs).
--hidden int hidden lstm size (default: 512)
--channels int number of cnn out-channels (default: 256)
--lr float learning rate (default: 1e-3)
--weight_decay float weight decay (default: 0)
--droptype DROPTYPE chooses the type of dropout to apply after the
embedding layer. Default is "sup" which only applies
to word-class embeddings (if present). Other options
include "none" which does not apply dropout (same as
"sup" with no supervised embeddings), "full" which
applies dropout to the entire embedding, or "learn"
that applies dropout only to the learnable embedding.
--dropprob [0.0, 1.0]
dropout probability (default: 0.5)
--seed int random seed (default: 1)
--log-interval int how many batches to wait before printing training
--log-file str path to the log csv file
--pickle-dir str if set, specifies the path where to save/load the
dataset pickled (set to None if you prefer not to
retain the pickle file)
--test-each int how many epochs to wait before invoking test (default:
0, only at the end)
--checkpoint-dir str path to the directory containing checkpoints
--net str net, one in {'lstm', 'cnn', 'attn'}
--pretrained glove|word2vec|fasttext
pretrained embeddings, use "glove", "word2vec", or
"fasttext" (default None)
--supervised use supervised embeddings
--supervised-method dotn|ppmi|ig|chi
method used to create the supervised matrix. Available
methods include dotn (default), ppmi (positive
pointwise mutual information), ig (information gain)
and chi (Chi-squared)
--learnable int dimension of the learnable embeddings (default 0)
--val-epochs int number of training epochs to perform on the validation
set once training is over (default 1)
--word2vec-path str path to GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin pretrained
vectors (used only with --pretrained word2vec)
--glove-path PATH path to glove.840B.300d pretrained vectors (used only
with --pretrained glove)
--fasttext-path FASTTEXT_PATH
path to glove.840B.300d pretrained vectors (used only
with --pretrained word2vec)
--max-label-space int
larger dimension allowed for the feature-label
embedding (if larger, then PCA with this number of
components is applied (default 300)
--max-epoch-length int
number of (batched) training steps before considering
an epoch over (None: full epoch)
--force do not check if this experiment has already been run
--tunable pretrained embeddings are tunable from the beginning
(default False, i.e., static)
--nozscore disables z-scoring form the computation of WCE
For example the following command:
python --dataset 20newsgroups --net cnn --channels 256 --pretrained glove --supervised --log-file ../log/results.csv
Will run an experiment for the dataset 20 Newsgroups using CNN trained on static embeddings initialized as the concatenation of pre-trained GloVe vectors and supervised WCEs. The output printed on stdout looks like:
Loading GloVe pretrained vectors from torchtext
loading pickled dataset from ../pickles/20newsgroups.pickle
singlelabel, nD=18846=(11314+7532), nF=17184, nC=20
[unk = 67822/2198726=3.08%][out = 79947/2198726=3.64%]: 100%|██████████| 11314/11314 [00:02<00:00, 4594.88it/s]
[unk = 32785/1303459=2.52%][out = 59887/1303459=4.59%]: 100%|██████████| 7532/7532 [00:01<00:00, 6041.34it/s]
[indexing complete]
[embedding matrix]
computing supervised embeddings...
[embedding matrix done]
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 0, Training Loss: 2.992394
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 10, Training Loss: 2.577988
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 20, Training Loss: 1.817676
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 30, Training Loss: 1.395195
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 40, Training Loss: 1.212901
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 50, Training Loss: 1.094817
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 60, Training Loss: 1.043492
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 70, Training Loss: 0.879524
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 80, Training Loss: 0.920604
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 1, Step: 90, Training Loss: 0.858984
evaluation: : 10it [00:00, 19.44it/s]
[va] Macro-F1=0.793 Micro-F1=0.797 Accuracy=0.797
[early-stop] improved, saving model in ../checkpoint/cnn-20newsgroups
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 2, Step: 0, Training Loss: 0.838249
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 2, Step: 10, Training Loss: 0.772314
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 2, Step: 20, Training Loss: 0.765503
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 22, Step: 80, Training Loss: 0.176321
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 22, Step: 90, Training Loss: 0.169704
evaluation: : 10it [00:00, 20.27it/s]
[va] Macro-F1=0.837 Micro-F1=0.838 Accuracy=0.838
[early-stop] patience exhausted
performing final evaluation
last 1 epochs on the validation set
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 23, Step: 0, Training Loss: 0.939111
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 23, Step: 10, Training Loss: 0.925299
20newsgroups cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 Epoch: 23, Step: 20, Training Loss: 0.901256
evaluation: : 0it [00:00, ?it/s]Training complete: testing
evaluation: : 31it [00:01, 18.94it/s]
[final-te] Macro-F1=0.701 Micro-F1=0.712 Accuracy=0.712
This information is dumped into a csv file ../log/results.csv at the end of each epoch. The csv should look like:
dataset | epoch | measure | method | run | timelapse | value |
20newsgroups | 1 | tr_loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 3.414764642715454 | 0.8589843213558197 |
20newsgroups | 1 | va-macro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 3.9400274753570557 | 0.7925198931977147 |
20newsgroups | 1 | va-micro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 3.9400274753570557 | 0.7966401414677275 |
20newsgroups | 1 | va-accuracy | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 3.9400274753570557 | 0.7966401414677277 |
20newsgroups | 1 | va-loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 3.9400274753570557 | 0.5694978833198547 |
20newsgroups | 2 | tr_loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 7.470069885253906 | 0.6080582588911057 |
20newsgroups | 2 | va-macro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 8.01769471168518 | 0.8235132472427036 |
20newsgroups | 2 | va-micro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 8.01769471168518 | 0.8249336870026526 |
20newsgroups | 2 | va-accuracy | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 8.01769471168518 | 0.8249336870026526 |
20newsgroups | 2 | va-loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 8.01769471168518 | 0.42492079734802246 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
20newsgroups | 12 | early-stop | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 45.899415254592896 | 0.8421921175935061 |
20newsgroups | 22 | tr_loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 82.66418981552124 | 0.901255750656128 |
20newsgroups | 22 | final-te-macro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 84.31677627563477 | 0.7014112131823149 |
20newsgroups | 22 | final-te-micro-F1 | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 84.31677627563477 | 0.7124269782262347 |
20newsgroups | 22 | final-te-accuracy | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 84.31677627563477 | 0.7124269782262347 |
20newsgroups | 22 | final-te-loss | cnn-glove-supervised-d0.5-dotn-ch256 | 1 | 84.31677627563477 | 1.9046727418899536 |
Displaying the training and validation losses, along with some evaluation metrics (macro-F1, micro-F1 and accuracy) in the validation set, for each epoch. This goes on until training eventually ends (in this case, because early-stop has encountered 10 training epochs without any improvement in the validation set). The last lines of the csv account for the the final evaluation in test (after restoring the best model parameters found in epoch 12).
The script "" runs all experiments, invoking each neural architecture with the hyperparameters found optimal during grid-search optimization. Each variant is run 10 times.