Frustrated? Lost? Dreaming about Pipelines?...don't worry, after finishing this exercise you'll get it and wouldn't believe that you've lived so long without Pipelines 🙌 🙌 🙌
Just go to your GitHub account settings and generate a Personal access token using the Developer setting options.
IMPORTANT: be sure to ONLY select the repo actions for your token...that would be enough! Also, be careful with pushing that token to GitHub.
You need to fill the
files with all the functions and parameters included in the development notebook, in order to finish the Pipeline.
IMPORTANT: remember to print whatever you think is important in order to inform the user that everything worked fine!
If you still feel strong, add some magic to your code. Using the argparse library, create the posibility to generate the table just for a particular lab (e.g.: python -l "advanced-mysql"