This is an early port of the Arduino Arducam-Software for the ESP32
Currently it only works with the Arducam Mini 2MP OV2640. I doesn't own any other Arducams at the moment.
It is still not 100% stable. Tested with Arduino 1.8.0 .
- Download and install the ESP32 Arduino library
- Copy the Arducam library into your Arduino library folder (ARDUCAM_ESP32_TCP.ino)
- Open the Arduinosketch
- Set your Wifi-Settings
- Upload the sketch to the ESP32
- Open a TCP Server on your PC
for i in {1..1000}; do sudo nc -l 80 | xxd -p -r > ${i}.jpg; done 7. (Re)-Start the ESP32
Arducam Mini 2MP | ESP32 |
VCC | 5V |
SCL | GPIO 22 |
SDA | GPIO 21 |
CS | GPIO 05 |
SCK | GPIO 18 |
MOSI | GPIO 23 |
MISO | GPIO 19 |
Ignore the right side of the picture. It is just a button and a pir sensor which aren't necessary for this code.